Bettings tips (Real vs. Bayern)

I hope you followed my last advice about Chelsea and Bolton !
Anyways I got a few interesting bets that is worth considering:

1. "Scorecast" Metsut ôzil as first goalscore and Real 1-0 (Only playable at Bet365)
This one gives 61 times your money back. Definatly worth betting on. Normaly you would bet on that Ronaldo makes the goal, but well, it dosen't give that much tbh. About 19 times back. Perhaps try both and put 2 euros on each?

2. Cards: Real Madrid +1
Very interesting ! The bookmakers expect Bayern to get more cards then Real. Understandble. But I expect the game to be a bit close, perhaps even with Real getting into trouble? If Real gets into trouble, Pepe at least will get yellow, perhaps red late in the game if Real isnt going to the final. I think its worth betting on when +1 gives you 2,1 times back.

3. Bet on Real with -1 goal from start. Gives you 2,2 times back. I think Real is gonna crush Bayern :)

Last one is just a good feeling:

4. Real scores on a penaltykick, gives you 5 times your money back :)

Good luck ! Hopefully Real will win this <3
There's only one bet I advice: all in on Bayern!
Oh please.. What the fuck do make you believe that they will win :P?
they wont win, but will progress
Talking about progressing to the next round, apologies for being unclear.
where do i go to bet real money?
main sponsor of real madrid?
i meant real money to bet , not like that fake money on gamestv which is sad...
main sponsor of real madrid?
i ignore sponsors i considered it as spam
Parent is mainsponsor of real madrid
sure is ! id be rich! on ET games
Betting center?
listing a couple would help, no need for it anymore.
well tbh i think real will win, but still X2 worth a shot as it's >3.00
Jeez, just because you were right once u don't have to write journals each time and act as if you're a professional, get real.
.... Dude I do betting like almost everyday and make about 100 euros profit mostly. So yeah I just pretend like I know smt.
You will never make a good profit with your small stakes, fact. I don't know you or others but if I bet on games, I try to win big and not some coins to the pocket.
Small stakes? Where do you know how much I bet on those things I advice? :s I do not bet like 1-2 euros on them if you think that. I have made 50 euros so far, and the game is not even over. So I guess I will make 100 euros as I normaly do :)
4. Real scores on a penaltykick, gives you 5 times your money back :)

gratz :)
And Ronaldo as first goalscore to Real 1-0 ;) Had both ! + I have Real -1 if things go right ;)
Real -1 handicap and also saying that you think the game is gonna "be bit close, perhaps even with Real getting into trouble?"
Makes sense :D!
Well it's 2-1 now, close game right now as I said. But I predict that Real will win 3-1. So -1 and saying the game is close and -1 as bet makes sense?
omgggggg so exciting ;ppp
what a fucking nice game!
nice one, unfortunately i am too alte now ;(
not gonna take betting tips from you
Shame for you. 2 of my tips has already passed and been won :) So your loose.
fuck off retard
why? i won alot of money on that match ;)
he was right on a couple of things, if i had known about this betting i would of registered a lot earlier!
I'm still champ betting maestro
u bet on everton, i guess ur loosing money then :D haha m8
never bet on everton dont like betting on old team but i won £3200 on last world cup havent done much this season but on a profit of £800 ps. league table
easy john. lets talk real money now.
You should definatly change name to John.
its my middle name ;)
expected :D
how does this work? u bet online? arent this websites pain in the ass? like if u take their 50 euros gift u cant take off your money etc? could u tell me about it?
When you open an account, most betting companys offer a welcome-bonus which will be 100 % of your first deposit. so if you etc. set in 50 euros to bet for, then you get 50 to play for (if you want ! you can say no most of the time if you want) but if you use those extra 50 euros, then you have to play for the deposit x3 before you can take money out of your account and into your bank account again.

You set in 50 euros, and get 50 extra
If you use 50 for one bet and then 50 for another.
Then you have to bet for 100 euros more because of the x3 rule.
So you need to place for 150 euros bets.

You dont have to loose them. Just to risk 150 euros total if you want to use the bonus :)
so its better not to take it imo? long time ago i started playing in casinos and i had to do 1k profit to take it off because of the stupid bonuses i didnt know about it.

would u recomend betting online? is it "easy" to make some profit? did u make profit this match? ty btw
Nah you should use it if you want to do betting reguarly, not everyday but if u want to bet like once a week or smt like that. Depends how much money you want to bet aswell :P some people dont want to bet more then 2-3 euros and some wants to bet 50 euros on 1 bet. So depends a lot. If you to bet high with 20-50 euros on a bet then you take the bonus :) You just need to risk them once so it's not really a big deal.

I use - I think it's the biggest betting site atm. and they got great odds and fantatisc livebetting. Excellent betting options, and they got ALL sports. and a lot of streams and stuff.

Well easy and easy.. I had 1-2 months where I did earn a lot of money, then I lost ½ of my profit, and now I have won those back and earned even more.. But well it's not like you gonna make 10.000 euros in 2 days like. You need to know something about the sport that ur betting on, and be lucky ofc. Sports is upreditable. But you can do great profit if you follow the sport and are a bit lucky ;) Just be carefull, and think before you bet :p
ty for the info!
nice bet mongol
barca fans cry all the time.. why is that? oh wait...

image: 576469_2954173662406_1503361737_32115690_1273964698_n
lol u cant come back with a good argument? :D

nice bets
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