ET:Zombies - MOAR

Hi, as many of you know what ET:Zombies actually is, I'll leave that bit out.
If not,

Well it's been a small while since we posted anything here, here is another post :D.

I've received many emails this week regarding ET:Z and downloads, including clan owners and enthusiasts.

We're needing more feedback, before this next test release.

Q. If you was to play a zombie game in ET, what would you like to be in it, and what would the objective be?
Q. What weapons would the Humans have?
Q. Are you happy with using preset graphical settings?
- the preset settings are high & low, the resolution is customisable, r_picmip is not.
Why you may ask? Because we want to give every user the same experience. Why would we want people playing with bright configs when the game is dark and scary?

Keep the answers professional & informative please.

Oh hai...
image: server
Tried it out on one server, didn't like it for one bit sadly..
I'll give it another shot on another server another day though.
:D, you played the test compile?:D, that is no way what the end project will be. Do not forget all the stuff uploaded are pre-alpha stage. We're not even at alpha stage yet. When we release a proper version, you'll like ;).
Also, our aim is to leave things customisable by server configs/admins. Plus, atleast we take time to release test compiles every so often. Never seen a mod do this tbh, always ALPHA or BETA.
1. a zombie
2. ice picks
3. sounds okay
zombies' only desire is to eat all remaining human brains, thats common knowledge.
humans should have engr classes for constructable objects, bar doors and windows... thats what you do in a zombie invasion.
zombies have a wallhack, they can smell human flesh.
zombies can see in the dark, humans have to contruct the generator to create a defendable safe zone.
Yes but the Humans are what, stranded on an island full of zombies? They must build forts to stop zombies getting in, whilst reparing the radar/transmitter, and they only have 5minutes to do so otherwise the power cuts off and all defences are down?
zombies = def.
humans have a limited time to acchieve objectives (repair this, escort that, bring X to Y, ... all the usual ET objcs) to be able to escape the zombie apocalypse.
dead = dead style mechanics from cod/cs are boring, needs a workaround. maybe limited respawns, comparably long respawn and so on.
id also think about removing life (i fear zombies might be too underpowered) and just have healthy and infected status.
NQ has a poison needle that will fuck up or movement and vision, will make you lose life and you cant cure yourself from it (being a medic). you need another medic to help you out or you die. no HP packs cause no HP, medics only to heal infected mates.
:), our main aim is objective play, the zombies will not have 'engineer, medic', when they die, they respawn (unless LMS for allied/human). Instead zombies will be called for example 'Feaster', which would be a fast zombie? Each has it's bonuses, like 1's got more powerful hit, 1 class can throw slime(or w/e).
zombies need classes, agreed.
is it possible to make crawlers? zombies that "prone" all the time but with insane speed (but very little life) and can get through vents and other routes that regular (more tanky maybe) zombies cant get through?
also i would not only look at l4d and killing floor for inspiration (cause there zombies are NPCs) but check out NASE (natural selection) mod for HL1 engine. this has a human VS aliens system that works great and might inspire some zombie "classes".
Animations are our struggle at the moment. All I can show for now is this animation:

I'll take a look, thanks.
the main problem you have to overcome is that in peoples perception zombies are slow and dumb and useless and the group of survivors always kills a ton before one gets tragically infected.
obviously playing a zombie that gets killed 1000 times before scoring is boring tho.
so you will have to find a way to balance things not only with classes and functionalities but you will have to reconsider the way health works in the game.
thats why i thought humans should have to be afraid of touching a zombie, meaning if you get bitten you dont lose 10 out of 100 health but you are done for (without the help of a medic).
that will still demand the zombies to have a good set of skills tho (disabling people from walking (killing floor style), harming their vision and movement on a ranged basis (killing floor style), "hooking" them (l4d style)...
balancing will be a pain, coding everything especially but you will need a solid idea/basis to start from.
Nice list, thank you.
that looks good :D but zombies can't jump :D
they can but the problem here is they should have a different jump to usual allies/axis players! i like the way they walk, but they need a unique jump-movement too :3
Zombies are dead, they can't do anything. Playing ET maps without jump = pointless, it's not realism we're aiming for either :).

We're adding some really neat features, and next release is 'maybe' a flashlight. Code is sorted, it's just implementing it correctly.

We've added all the stuff you'd expect like hitsounds, shove (I expanded so you can push the bodies that are not gibbed (waiting for a doctor).

Added throwing of items, such as axes, baseball bats etc... (we will edit this as we go)

Can now drop your weapon, and also if you're holding your pistol, it will drop that (not just primary). So pistol models are now droppable.

Added new HUD :)

Messages are now timestamped, easier for logging, frag movies etc...


When you damage a client you receive their HP after shooting them. (Nice for defensive play)

.... many many more :)
Great great!

And don't take the "can't jump" too serious, ofc playing a ET map without being able to jump would be pointless, but i wouls suggest to somehow change the animations a bit!
interface looks cool!
Thanks, answer questions?:)
Some massive gore-shits would be sweet like in soldiers.of.fortune or smth , crushin some dead-nazi-bodys 'n stuffs with bloody bazeball bats .. hrrrr
You could bring the "Fire Zombie" back from RTcW :P As not as tanky it was there tho.
QuoteQ. If you was to play a zombie game in ET, what would you like to be in it, and what would the objective be?

just to kill every human in the game i think.

QuoteQ. What weapons would the Humans have?

idk,maybe start with ''nothing'' and they can find weapons/food throughout the map like screwdrivers and that sort off stuff near workbenches,and guns near @ ammo crate places or random places??

QuoteQ. Are you happy with using preset graphical settings?

havent played a ''ET:zombie test'' yet, but i think ill be happy
Q. If you was to play a zombie game in ET, what would you like to be in it, and what would the objective be?
kill humans ofc!
Q. What weapons would the Humans have?
axe/katana/chainsaw/warhammer+ .45/luger/shuriken/akimbo+ thompson/sniper xbow/shotgun/flamethrower. Every class should have own unique combination
Q. Are you happy with using preset graphical settings?
Dunno how increasing picmip would make the game any lighter, it just blurs the textures.
I wasn't saying that picmip would, I was merely saying such graphical cvars are limited for a reason. We want the game to look crisp and clean as we intended it to.

r_intensity & r_mapoverbrightbits are to be limited.
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