not so morning journal #1

Hello nerdies!

I just woke up, 11am like a bus. And realized that the next upcoming 2 weeks are free for me, I won't go to school because my class went for some 5days trip and I decided to stay at home to keep my basketball workout schedule. So I decided to start these great 14 days with awsome breakfest - self-made casseroles(used translator) with ketchup and some cola to drink, didn't had Frugo[/b]]image: frugo_sg which is best drink with casseroles(lol, that sounds funny). Will try to post some photos of that if I find my camera :| PS. taste great!
What did you eat today, on breakfest? :)

Going to nerd some LoL ranked games or some cod4 pub practice since can't meet with my gf because she says she is busy (yea, for 3 weeks straight, who needs gf anyway). Apart from gayming I guess I will go for some basketball shooting practice and jogging later on.

Hope my english wasn't so crap when I was writing it, still so excited about upcoming 2(!) weeks. What are your plans for today and some upcoming few days?

in romania that's what we call a casserole :D

image: caserole-plastic
image: 15657742904d0ff69b4d574
that's what I meant :) but self-made one :)
haha, that looks like a combination from shaorma with bit hotdog :D

It's best food ever made :D I can tell you how to make one if ya want :P
please , tell :)
scroll page to last comment or smthn, if you need more detaills pm me :)
lol thats great!
but my fav is bigos?! best polish meal :DDD
yea bigos, like it too but it's overused(overeaten? :D) to me :P
why wont u go to classtrip? no friends?
Got important basketball trainings with team, there is a chance that I will join pro league
In Poland or some other country?
Poland. Nothing big but still it's some achivment for me.
Do you play EYBL?
Nope, I play in local 3on3 streetballs torunaments and some school torunaments, sometimes league matches. You can find my achivments in my profile when you press 'basketball player' picture.
rolled a noob on nbs public #1 several times. didn't eat yet. party today
to Ty robisz lana?
yep, pomagam w robieniu
a z Krakowa jestes?
z Warszawy
Lol mec tu manges des casserolles XXDDDDD fait-maison en plus PTDRRRRRR
I hate this language and you know this, speak english, damn it! :D
Tu dois avoir des dents de malade pour croquer là-dedans :DDDDDDD
:( me mecht bitte
Tu dois avoir des dents de malade pour croquer là-dedans :DDDDDDD
my teeth are alright! :D
One tooth, two teeth* :)
u no say :D
za et bys sie wzial zeby wstydu na lanie nie bylo xD
jak internet bede mial bratu kompa czasem podpierdole ;d
just came home 1hour ago, I ate a hamburger in mcdonalds :DD now i gona sleep! and at 16:45cet i have to go to uni...great :/
demotivated you much? :D I got 24 x 14 free hours, you do the math ! :)
Just woke up @ friends place.

Been here couple of days now with another friend with our pc's.

Gonna nerd LoL and get 2k tonite (1954 atm)
At evening we'll go to sauna, drink couple beers and swim in the pool!

Didnt eat anything yet but planning to eat some leftover chicken from yesterday
baylife :D
at weekend we'll start drinking hard 8)

party till tuesday
my body is ready
ugh nice :)

2k elo you say? I'm still trying to reach 1600 lol since everytime I play ranked I win 1 game and lose 1(1:1 W:L ratio) and my elo is decreasing slowly for some reason, example I won 1 solo que and lost 1 solo que, won 2 duo, lost 1 duo and my elo became lower lol!
yeh, hopefully 2k today.

Well i was loong time between 1600-1750. Then at one point i got up to ~1850 very fast and been there for like 2months now.
I woke up.. 5 minutes ago ang i'm really not proud of it.
I partied hard yesterday, with all the stuffs organized by Solvay at the ULB (the famous beach volley (under the rain ouuwjaaa) ang then the crazy night party where I saw that girl again.. Though i still only know two things about her: her first name and in which town she lives..).

Shower time, coca cola and then CORDONS BLEUS to get motivated for tonight!

You had one of these for breakfast?

image: Traditional_Chicken_Casserole_
translators trolling me so hard :< can't find good word for the thingy I ate :D
is what linked..
i had few bread rolls with mushrooms and cheese on it, then placed it in oven(dunn if right word again, sorry) and it looked something like the thingy on picture few comments above, lol ;d
breadstick then.. deffo not a casserole :D
as I said, translator trolled me :D
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