CBS brought new warez culture?
27 Apr 2012, 09:32
CBS deliberately supported online piracy by providing tools for downloading songs and teaching how to use them for piracy. Now that they've done their research on how piracy affects their industry, they are going to use the one sided facts to lobby the lawmakers in order to control the internet.
omg conspiracy theory omg
According to RT, USA already passed the CISPA in last minute vote yesterday in the House. Still needs to go through Obama I guess. They've talked of veto, but I doubt Obama is up for it.
CISPA is no longer a piracy law, but rather ultimate spying on citizen law. Combined with the patriot act the US citizen have been completely deprived of their human rights. Interesting times ahead.
b) Obama was pretty adamant about vetoing it, though.
am i dumb?
nice ty
jammie rasset thomas should have maybe taken settlement of $5,000 xD
it is just like the law they passed where they can capture a possible terrorist suspect without doing something or so, anyway lots of hype for nothing basicly