cracking excel file protection

Since some employee got kicked and I have to continue his work (with all his .xlsx files being password protected) I wonder if anyone knows a good way (besides bruteforcing) to crack that password.

Talking about file protection (so not worksheet protection.. I dont see anything when opening the file except a password prompt). Maybe there is a way to get the md5 hash and let online crackers do the job? Any exploits?

Probably not overly helpful, but there are definitely programs that you can use, would help if could remember the name... google should be your friend.

e: Fuck Excel & VBA.
I googled all day but could only find apps to crack the work sheet protection :/
ahahah he got kicked and trolled hard his boss
call him and ask for password
that guy is kinda pissed. No chance to get the password from him :P
pretty easy - tell your boss and get lawyers. he got paid for those and he doesnt own them :p

Dont know any tool :(
Well that is one way to see it, this journal don't really tell much of the story but the ex-employee is probably pissed for a reason. From 2nd hand experience information, middle to semi-big companies sometimes screw employees over. In most countries the laws aint as biased towards the workers, unlike in Germany.
Unless its an ancient excel version you arent gonna crack it.
ask the file if it gives u the psw :D
Not sure how your company works, but is there not a network admin who can get into the files for you?
no decent person would help with that, just scrap it and let them pay the expense to re-do it
dont know if brute force will work on that
no idea, does it encrypt the data in the sheets or just lock the file to excel?

if it doesn't encrypt the data you could copy it without the password lols
hmm no idea actually. How can I copy the data if it isn't encrypted? However I'm sure its encrypted with aes 128 bit
looks like its not encrypted.. look at file encryption:
bla.. hex editor only shows encrypted content.. one of the first lines even is "encrypted package"
sad, there was a java package which would let you export the sheets into a new file without the password included but if they get encrypted nowdays it probably wouldn't be much use:P

might want to try a dictionary hack maybe, or what is the data you need to get out of the sheet it must exist somewhere else too
nah it's an excel sheet with all kind of information written in it. I have "copies" of it with the extension ".xlk".. but also password protected.

Hmm I don't think that a dicionary attack will include the propably weird password :P I Mean it won't have any special character but it surely is something from our company related.
Same as trying to crack PDF file,both encrypted and since I don't know about any exploit / buffer overflow avi , you could either search for one,or go bruteforce on it,tho it's just a file so you wont need proxies and shit,just a good words list,also keep in mind,that if that's not a personal file,the pw might be hard to crack with any kind of wordlist,just find a good cracker and pay him off.
trying to find some guy with a nice system & rainbowtable/wordlist for cracking.. couldn't find one so far :S
Craigslist / go to deep web / post at 4chan ^_^
I can hook you up with someone at irc,but it may cost you some.
would be nice, let me know the price ;P
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