adroits lan payment 1 DAY LEFT!

we need a info about these teams, when you're going to pay:
wnbpro (Paid already)
miNd/Simonkinsler's team
Devastation (dodge)

give us infos!!!

Pretty shit that you delay your pays so late e.g anexis/queens/fin6 who are going to be in the top 5 anyway...
i dont know why ppl stressing so much in journals about paying bla bla.
Teams got their reasons why they didnt pay yet, otherwise they would've payed long time ago already
cause he needs the money to rent the lan center? ppl rush to pay and some other teams are just chilling around >_>
everybody knows that, but like i said teams got their reason why they didnt pay yet!
has nothing to do with chill around
I am pretty sure that they have thier reason why they're not providing some informations about it?
why should they when it is internal stuff?
i told sean the reason why we didnt pay yet, should be enough.
internal stuff? what can be internal if it will be a reason like "money didn't come yet" lol

e: ok but it's not only TAG which needs to pay
lineup changes? ;)

but still i cant see the problem why the core does not pay..
you just answered to your all questions :D
+1 & did the same.
Then they should have not registered interest - simple
makes no sense, u cant see the future, im pretty sure everyone of these teams will pay when there will be another 2 weeks payment
u mean 2 weeks before the lan? man everybody had enough time to pay, so stop this stupidness^^

and yes i can still understand if people cant pay because their are going to be changes in their lineups, but still you guys are sure that u will attend so just put some money together and pay this shit^^
thats what i mean, u got no clue whats happening, we are not 100% sure that we will go.
So pls stop talking!
In 2 weeks alot of stuff can happen like aphesias pc broke and cant pracc now for some weeks, so he cant effort to buy a new pc because he is in italy for 2 weeks now and would have to pay for lan. Thats what i mean that u cant see the future. Im actually glad that we didnt pay yet because soo much stuff did happen in the last 1-2 weeks
man we all know that u nerds (who are visiting every lan since cdc4?) will attend this with whatever happens... man you just act like its your first lan and that you didn't have any problems before at any other lan.. your attitude is just too arrogant.. cause guys like you were screaming for lans and enjoyed it .. now there is one and your act like a 12yo kiddo
hahha omg, ofc we never had any problems because someone could pay it for everyone just right before, we actually just been on cc5/7 aef and sage. Has nothing to do with beeing arrogant, like i said if u got no clue just stfu.
well what if i actually know whats happening in your team? ;))) and im sure its not too hard to get the money together..
oh dude, its not about the money -.- are you that stupid to get it?
well u getting more and more retarded imo, every single new comment u reply to me better stop it here now, since it makes no sense anyways.
you didn't get me ;))))
junge was schreibst du mit dem ?? ist doch eh zeitverschwendung, er denkt doch nur wir suchen 6 leute und spielen dann auf lan gegen mixed-teams und das ist dann toll.
genau so stell ich mich dich nerd vor ;))
nicht simon haten... der ist cool :d
Of course it makes sense! You don't say you will pay in the time frame if you don't!
Like i said, we actually been able to pay it in time, but aphesia dropped out and some other problems we just have right now since last weeks makes us not pay in time.
u stupid? since when does "registered interest" means you have to come for sure?
And how does giving interest and not paying show the same thing?

And before calling me stupid, fix your English. It makes you look ridiculous...
pretty sure dev aint going :p
Funny to see members of each team there complain about not having LANs and then when one comes about... They cant be arsed to pay by a clear deadline! Well, I am glad there are still a few players out there who want to go to LAN for the fun of it!
+11 they are just idiots^^
can lend money - i will charge interest ofc :o
warum dumm digga? über korrekt von ihm und er weiß eh dass er den spot ja dann verkaufen kann...
trotzdem, es geht um echtes geld :o
hab ja bald 50 euro mehr die ich in ein team investieren kann ;)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jungäää :D

30e + 3o3 team mit mir
Devastation already said in a previous post that they dont have enough members to attend.
sind doch eh alle online only
EUNd said they wont go
w4life will pay on wednesday.
I'm not sure i'll be able to make it, we don't have a 6th yet. Explains why we obviously didn't pay yet...
it's not that hard to find a suitable 6th, isn't it? :)) go for it m8!
Like I said, i'm not sure I can make it. I got a skateboard contest to cover with my workmates in Marseille this week-end.
what stray said.

There are still ppl avi, just post a topic @ forum, get 6th and have some LAN fun! :D
Quote twidi on 28/04/12, 17:30:11 Del | Edit | Reply

I've already told this to Seanza, but Finlantic6 is still in the process of finding support so we wouldn't really want to pay the entrance fee from our own pockets at this point. However if it comes down to one team, we will obviously take care of it on monday. Flights are already booked and paid so no need to worry about us.
hue hue thought you had flights booked and entrance paid ?!
Never said our entrance fee has been paid :o Just said we will pay it as soon as possible! Flights are booked and paid + we also booked hotel, but that will be paid upon arrival

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