Do you trust your Government?

So I was reading the responses of future propaganda( coming Black Ops II future problematic ).

And found this reply, which seems to be pretty..let's say hurting...


The War on Terror is a false flag operation.

This has been used for thousands of years to control & direct the public.

It is also known as PRS, Problem, reaction, solution.

Also known as the hegelian dialectic.

9/11 7/7 & the Madrid bombings all false flags to kick start the war on terror.

This is not a war against men in caves, rather it is a war against your freedom & liberty.

With each attack they strip our rights. (Cyber security laws in the last few weeks & months)

This is the New World Order system under the world UN government.

They are controlled & direct by others, Bilderberg, CFR, Bohemian Grove & others that have been illuminated by Treyarch Black Ops intel flashes.

The Illuminati planned to bring this about by three world wars & three revolutions.

The other methods they employ are as follow:

Water control & Fluoride, Lithium.

Carbon Tax, a tax on breathing CO2 basically, which Humans are Carbon based lifeforms.

False climate change or Global warming & Global cooling.

Man made Earthquake (Haarp)

Fracking to cause Earthquakes.

Contaminated Vaccines.

Plastic that causes cancer & imbalances in both female & male hormones (BPA)

Radiation leaks & meltdowns again causing cancers.

GMO, causing organ failure.

Aspartame, sweet death.

The list goes on.

The attack is from multiple angles.

Their aim is population reduced anywhere from 90% to 99.9%

They have weaponized mouse pox that kills 99.9% of people it comes into contact with.

Those that survive are rounded up into labour groups & relocated to dense urban centers much like the mega cities of Judge Dredd.

We become their slaves while they enjoy the advanced technology our tax money paid for.

We are in 2012. The year of the Ascension.

There really are to many things I could add about this.

If you want to know a lot more search Agenda 21.

Beware this information may affect your health.

Regards Alpha.

So here comes question to You!

Do you trust your Government?

EDIT:I found this picture, made in 2000 by USA, 1 year before 9/11 .

image: 5ea8dd11

See the crosshair aimed at the tower?
what a rethorical question...
I doubt that you ill say yes.

E: Did you think rhetorical?
no but everybody believing in governments today is ver very very very very very very very naive
A rethorical question doesn't always end in the answer "yes", it's a question which already has an obvious answer to it.
killuminati my nigga
i think your hat is of tinfoil
If governement acts slightly in any way as I do in grand strategy games (EU/VIC/CK) then no
My personal favourites:

Man made Earthquake (Haarp)

Fracking to cause Earthquakes.
From Europeans I've spoken to about the Haarp, most of them tend to believe this
Try finding conversation partners that are not mental health patients.
u are not that bright either

it seems you have an anti paranoia mind, that even if something is plausible true, you deny it
I made no mention of brightness and I haven't denied any plausible claims. Stop putting words in my mouth.
fair enough, im sorry

STILL, if something is plausible why insta deny it ?

QuoteThe War on Terror is a false flag operation.

This has been used for thousands of years to control & direct the public.

Quote This is not a war against men in caves, rather it is a war against your freedom & liberty.

With each attack they strip our rights. (Cyber security laws in the last few weeks & months)

Quote Contaminated Vaccines.

Plastic that causes cancer & imbalances in both female & male hormones (BPA)

...bird flu, swine flu(prolly even mad cow deasease) .....
Unlike the absurdities such as the earthquake machines, those are mostly possible, but the burden of proof is on the one making the accusation. Without any evidence behind those claims they're not really worth any attention.
now we both know that
the brains behind curtains are awesomely good at that
You can talk to me :]
governments want to kill 99% of their citizens. Seems totally plausible to me
IF U HAD MONEY, AND SOME CONTROL ON WORLD "ECONOMY"(lol this word grows funnier everyday)

what would you do, if some lesser/unworthy people were consuming/wasting the natural resources needed for you to live ?
im not even answering to that, conspiracy theories are ok to a certain extent but thats just plain stupid
so u would not do nothing within your powers to save for yourself

i dont buy that
(remember we are talking at global scale in this thread)
of course people would choose to save themselves rather than other ones, but killing other people is (imho) generally considered as ultima ratio.

Anyways, concerning political leaders/dictators/governments, it needs less to be discharged of its powers than killing citizens. History has (even recently!) shown that as soon as governments start to treat their citizens badly, eg kill them, heavily exploit them, etc. they will be removed from their office, to say the least.

So thats why i think that this whole discussion is kind of detached of reality. It is highly disputable that any government could randomly start killing people without getting any "feedback" from their citizens + from other governments which dont tolerate genocide
their ways are invisible and are justifiable by "its nature"
less in terms of conspiracy than in terms of capability. to be fair, I'm not much of a fan of the election system, the opportunism and 2these days"(like it's been much different at any time) voters either.

well that guy is obviously "slightly" overreacting about it all being planned in the first place (I'd say). though he got a point about war on terror and national security being used as an argument for everything, especially in the US, nice that even US citizens start realising this(not those nutcases, but somewhat moderate people)
Well yeah, just because he's a lunatic rambling about artificial earthquakes and secret organizations that are out there to kill you with viruses doesn't mean he's wrong about everything. For example
QuoteWith each attack they strip our rights. (Cyber security laws in the last few weeks & months)
is a valid point - but listing real problems among with his delusions is only going to do harm. Of course he's unable to distinguish them due to his mental state.
Yes, I trust my government.

And no, what you posted is just a piece of shit conspiracy theory.

edit: but I dont trust the US government and the EU government, but thats a different matter
your government has signed shit with the EU "master minds" that they cant control to your own country

whats sup ?
yah, parties which I dont sympatize with have done that

but my party (socialist left party, which im elected for) didnt accept that, and are in government now ;)
which party accepted EU limit quotas on agriculture in your country ?
Arbeiderpartiet (social democrats) and Høyre (moderates), the two biggest parties in Norway.
ensurances that your party reached government and are going to govern based on a fair view of social/economic problems of your country and not based on the big corporations interests that pays for your campaigns and salary ?
my party has been with Arbeiderpartiet (who accepted EEA) and Senterpatiet (some sort of farmers party) in government since 2005 now, and have done an okay job -- better than any right-wing government would ;)

also, the ones who pay for the campaigns and salaries of the left-wing parties (my party and arbeiderpartiet) are the biggest union in norway (about 1/5th of norways population organized in that union) -- and the government itself (paying out money to all parties based on their votes).

edit: also ive been leader and other stuff (including elected) for this party for quite some years, I know I can trust my own party.. hell, ive even made some of the politics :p
no. polish government sux
If that was the case I would knew about it.. So you're safe for the time being :D
Dam.... Those Earthquake machines
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