PC crashing


Just need help as my pc keeps crashing recently. Seems to be fine when just doing browsing and word and things but when I play ET it shuts down after about 10-15minutes.

I'm assuming this is heat related but where to look? All the fans are running on the board so not sure where to start?

check cpu. Or maybe the PSU ?
i think your problem is that your pc keeps crasching recently, specially when you play ET it shuts down after about 10-15minutes.
after thinking about it i came to the conclusion that you might be right...
Indeed I'm glad I asked now.
maybe your GPU is starting to die, and check your CPU/GPU fans for dust
GPU/CPU overheating, psu not able to handle high load?

download hwmonitor for temps
That's a nice little program cheers.

Showing the cpu temps as being around 71C which is way too high so I'm taking a guess thats the problem. The gpu is at 30C so thats not an issue.

Will have a look at the fan etc - anything else to check?

Cheers for that
71 in load or idle?
71 was just with chrome open. Just ran ET and they got to 85C before going to -40c so I'm thinking that may be a problem
if its a desktop

replace the the stuff between FAN and PROCESSOR
check that the cpu fan is properly attached. Also u should change the thermal paste between the heatsink and cpu
Sol :D how do!
buy new cooler

i had prob with my 450 one
bought 500 and didnt have any prob :)
Take out your heatsink, clean the dust out, reapply thermal paste
no wonder if all your fans running on the board... ahahahhahahahahahhhhhhhhhhn funnnnnnnnnnnny shiiiiiiiiiiiiit ahah
Well cheers all. Cleaned the heat sink and added new paste and jobs a good one. All back and running fine.
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