GooD morning(?)journal v2

Hello there!

Its third day now partying.(drinking)

Yesterday I ended up falling asleep around 7pm after being awake for more than 35hours. Luckily I woke up with no signs of hangover so I've been drinking some cheap whiskey + cola today and leftover beers from yesterday!

Today probably gonna just bbq at home with my sisters and couple friends.

Just had breakfast. Some sandwich with chicken 5/5.

No pictrues since im feeling super lazy

Tell me about your saturday?
How are you feeling?
How big is your hangover?
GOOD SONGS ARE VERY WELCOME so give me some youtube links
Always helps me when im fucked up (drunk or stoned or both ofcourse hehehe) ;
No hangover, partied like a motherfucker!
Though hands are shakey as hell!

Have fun today though!
Amazing saturday afternoon, shit night, no hangover luckily, now packing some stuff as I'm moving tommorow
very good night! got the quite the hangover, didn't sleep much. Going out tomorrow as well, gonna be awesome!!
whole day at home doing nothing since I needed some rest from workouts :<
Party going on,

Too drunk have to pass out or smth.
sä oot niin sekasin
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