
anybody had been there allready? was thinking about visiting it in 2013 :)
drop acid and it will be epic
I will go there this year and to "Die festung rockt" in kronach :DDD !
gonna be in my "have to go list" but in 2013 since i cant attend 2012 :(
still selling 2 full madness + 2 camping tickets for 800 eur in total! pm me if interested
hahahaha uwe prijs blijft ma omhoog gaan ofwa :D
oezo? eerst was nog 1200 ;)
ah tis voor ze allebei :D krijgt ge ze nie verkocht?:)
kwil ze gwn graag verkopen dak ze nog op hun naam ku zetten en daze zkr binnengeraken en mij niets kunnen blamen
als ge ze nog wilt verkopen tegen gewone prijs (of iet meer) weet k nog altijd iemand ;) maar veel geluk :d hoop da ge uw geld terug krijgt
kzal ze op zetten, daar hebben ze geen verkoopsvoorwaarden en kan koper me nx doen als hij nie binnengeraakt
you think you'll get in that easy as a foreigner? :)

guess again :D
is it that exclusive?
Havent really looked into it, but ordering a ticket in time should be possible right (if he considers 2013)?^^
nah this year it was sold out almost immediatly.. and I think they first sell to belgian people only and the rest of the tickets are sold around the world. :-)
hm well quite alot of ppl from Germany Münster I know are going. So it's definitely is possible :D
eventho there's alot better festivals for a better price tho (even in Belgium itself)! just too hyped
I'm not interested at all.. shogun stage is decent and that's it!
been there the last 5 years, don't like it anymore.. every year the same shit :)
what's your opinion about life?
wanted to go this Year, but decided to go to LAN instead
nerd =DD
war bei mir andersrum
It's the best!
implying this isnt pure shit
going this year :bb
Been there 4 times.
It's a nice atmosphere and nice decoration nd shit
Make sure to check Café d'anvers! (best stage)

not going this year coz i'm on holidays, if i could go i prolly would go (eventough it has changed A LOT since i first got there, in good and bad way.)
my kot is 100m from café d'anvers and I'll never ever go in there
sounds as you like that festival? so can you recommend it to me as a "have to be there at least once in my life" point on my list? :)
obviously yes.
yeah, if ur a fan of big spectacle and good music u'll find it very amusing
do you know what you have paied all about? entrence fee, camping ground and so on?
yes sure.

in the beginning it was only 2 day festival and i paid bout 60 entrance and camping.
Last year i paid bout 120 + 20 camping i think so makes 140.
It gets more expensive every year so i'll guess you'll pay 200 for entrance + camping.
1 Beer / water/ Cola is 2.50 and dinner is bout 5 - 10 euro.
Make sure u bring breakfast of ur own coz they ask 6 euro for 2 small slices of bread.
thanks a lot for the info. it seems to me that the most expensive stuff in relativity to the festival is the entrence fee. 2,50 for a coke and 5-10 euro for some pizza or whatever isn't that expensive, same like here. i'll keep it in mind, thanks :)
the best festival in the world belgium even faster in 3 months I have more than a print but tickets: D he also Qontinent that the festival and a lot
I did not understand what you were trying to say
he used 'the Qontinent' and 'tickets' i guess you know enough (hardstyle monkey)
hardstyle is nice :-)
Looks pretty chill, reminds me of EDC.
ye im also going next year probably :P
Next year, because tickets are sold out :(
I've got a 2012 ticket :)
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