Is there a working version for playing enemy territority on a mac?
yep but no tzac for you
2.60d is the latest version for mac osx, it does not support ETPro as bani doesn't want anyone to compile it for him.

Another thing, steelseries offers a tool on their website in order to remove mouse acceleration on OSX which is not easily done through the system preferences.
I did a little research on bani's case and from what I know bani isn't an asshole like everyone says but he has signed a contract that doesn't allow him to publish source code or anything related to it.
sucks, coz 2.60d is great.
I'm waiting

image: XFYwD
irc chat's, tosspot probably knows more about it.
IRC chat - reliable news source since 1965
it's true, might actually have been mentioned in that interview from him in '05
I don't think a free and shitty game like ET was intended for MAC.
MACs are for the people who can actually afford a descent FPS shooter for atleast 10€. :S

Posted via Tapatalk for iPhone 4S
you are wrong
And you are poor + stop playing with the cheats that Niklas Engvall supplies to you.
that's why he's calling slajdan poor, you just have to read over his latest comments in his profile (no need to read them fully, its always the same bullshit), to see that he's only here to brag about stuff
I would really give you an elaborate reply, but I'm kind of busy here with my gf, if you know what I mean. And BTW, your hosted ventrilo SUCKS!!! (seriously, 2012, using ventrilo, hell, why don't we use fucking wilco, you vintage hipster wnb)

Posted via Tapatalk for iPhone 4S
my hosted ventrilo? i dont have a vt server lol, if you mean by YCN, then wtf are you on about, i have nothing to do with that part
You're the worst admin.
haha h3ll he owned you small son
That's for the idiot's who buy their upgrades from Apple. And yes, the Mac is upgradable.
Still overpriced for what ? 1 grey case with an apple on it ? Anyway, everyone thinking mac is "cool" are so dumb.
2.60d, ET:Z supports 2.55 and later. Mac Win & Linux.
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