Dual monitor resolution

I've got a bit of a problem with my two monitors. When I open a program, which isn't running on my monitors native resolution, on my main screen the resolution on my second screen changes.

I was wondering if there is a way to keep the 2nd monitor resolution the same(native), when there is a program (f.e. ET) on my main screen.
Sounds weird, it should work automatically by that. What do you use to control monitors? I switch them with windows's own "screen resolution", you can change resolution and everything there.
Controlling them via the Windows Screen Resolution menu. On desktop they work fine, but when I open for example ET, which I run in fullscreen but not at native resolution on my main screen, the resolution on my other screen changes too.
Hmm, no idea why this happens. Or why it matters :)
Do you have the second monitor cloned or extended?
Why not use the same resolution on both?
Different sized monitors. Other one is smaller and older, so it has lower max resolution.
Ohh that sucks :P
Ye, I know :x
Got the same here.
Got an widescreen and 1 18inch.
The widescreen is Screen 1.
18inch is Screen 2.
You can change those settings in the control panel of you card.
I have something similar, and I don't think it's the resolution of the other monitor that changes. It's because of the way Windows handles window placement and positions, and I don't think there's any way to fix it.
dont have any problems :o)
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