supski vs IDS

Yesterday supski raped IDC clan 4-0
You can look at the stats for time we set

for tl/dr 3:59 on bremen and 8 mins on goldrush

OK so now this gabri22 guy who got 3k dmg in 2 maps is whining on clanbase:

After you read that and you saw my argument I would like to know what you think about this? Goldorak was offline Tamj was offline so no admins to ask anything on the match day since website was off the whole day. There's another point of gabri22 that makes me angry is that I'm using a fakenick on clanbase wich everybody does, and it could be probably the reason we lost and I find it pretty stupid since queens still won EC with fake nicknames on clanbase but since 'nobody complains about it it doesn't matter'.

Really this pisses me off first we got into 2nd division after rolling teams in our groups in premier division last season now we raped this team with players that we're on the CB page for more then 2 days (for ShiSha) and more then 1 year for the rest and we get forfeit loss!? I didn't believe everybody when they we're saying CB was shit but now yeah and you can delete us from this OpenCup if they get forfeit loss and we're not going to play any other CB cups in the future.

P.S drama on!
Fuck given 0 from YjZZ
related potty same problem

EDIT: NEW RULE FROM CUP SUPERVISOR 'once match started, neither clan can complaint' same as ladders that means we win and the cube wins ggnore <3 CB again
fuck given

I hate you for rolling me in that match few days ago


oh lol :) its fine next time will be ur time to shine
Your own fault /gg

UK people cannot into CB
he is canadian
Thought supski is UK team>.<
the mix is yea, but @ cb nowai :D
this gabri22 must be joking, complaining about us not being on the irc channel... some ppl take et too seriously :D
Quote by fumblesome ppl take et too seriously :D

Well, if he was so focused on this "not on irc channel", all he needed to do is a screenshot of irc channel, and then they got forfeit win, but in my opinion, if they played this match, they automatically accepted that some of your players weren't on APL.
Funny thing is we was talking to each other on :D
They broke the rules, that's it. What's the problem? Every time same thing, you would think that people would learn.
Why you are saying this to me?
Wrote you accidentally, but the point is still valid.

Every season there are those teams who will go through everything after losing, so why not to make sure that everything is played by the books.
cb was down all day, we thought we was playing by the rules, it's annoying that they're claiming a forfeit when we beat them with ease, they belong in oc 5th, even with the forfeit they won't get out of groups :<
It is kinda harsh, but the rules are the same for everyone, only way that they can work :/
simply pathetic 8)
all this drama
cu@lan gabri nerd
Cancel the forfeits of this and sticked vs cube and reschedule it imo... It's pathetic to go and search for any possible reason to get a win from the opponent team after getting steamrolled...
today is drama day
And i thought et would be played for fun :s
Another one bites the dust, damdam
fairplay is fairplay
u got admin trolled D:
there wouldn't be any drama if you had all your players in the roster. is it so hard to add all your players before season starts? ;p also I talked with Goldorak, he's going to follow the rules so this forfeit will not be removed (same with CUBE's forfeit), i'm sorry
omg omg omg
I am famous

Btw I have played because our 5th "Imp3" broke his pc, I am only manager, normally I dont play
Okay this piss me off the most.... iam fucking sick and after that match vs. not so skilled players who belong to lower divisions(nice edit bro) of this dead game I had 40°C. I promised to play cause the match was forced and now some poke- [censured] came up with a forfeit after they got rolled.

I was told we will play premier div and yesterday I thought if that Italian team belongs to premier we belong to galactic league. And now I'm finding out we were moved and we lost like this. GG BB

Its just a game but winning this way... I would be ashamed and I don't see a purpose of this cause those guys have no chance of winning against anyone even in this div.

I don't want to sound disrespectful but everyone who has objective consideration will understand.
"I was told we will play premier div and yesterday I thought if that Italian team belongs to premier we belong to galactic league. And now I'm finding out we were moved and we lost like this. GG BB"

lol it's funny how supski's players comments about not being in premier league. supski's recruitment post (30.03.2012) - or here
+ need 2

so you think that admins should give OC premier spots to teams like this? with 4 members? less skilled teams with stable lineups > mixes like this, no offence.
you, jinosta & mixer weren't in the lineup back then (no offence to other members, but by looking at this lineup those 3 guys are the most skilled players here) and i'm almost sure that if you had had lineup like this before OC groups have been made, you would have been in premier.

just my 2 cents

oh and btw would be a lot easier to rate your team if you had a list of players playing for OC/EC created - - with something like this it's hard to decide who's playing in this team.
I totally understand your point im just mad we lost like this and I didn't know about that lineup thing. Sorry for my overreaction. Good night.
just saying.. =) it's okay buddy! have a good night
You're completely right tbh, it's just annoying :D


get nick
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah omg gabri xDDDDD
now you know why every italian hate gabri22! ;D
He's one fucking pathetic nerd. In the #et.tourney we had to play vs them for 3rd place and we were in the lowest div I believe. He fucking had Netherlandsabort play just to make sure he got the bronze pokal in the lowest division.

Retarded idiot.
as we can see on the clanbase page - - real results have been entered by admins! you had a lesson lads, I hope you will follow the rules in the future.
everything done already ;)
What the fuck?? Rules are rules.... You changed the result of our match and the cube match only because they are known and friends with admins..... now i am at school, when i get back home i'll complain..... if this ia the final decision we wont play this cup anymore.

I do what potty did: esl > cb
Now i get what i want??? This is pathetic.
I didn't change the score so don't pm me about it :P when you are at home address your complaints to t4mje,szczurek or Goldorak. Cheers
I truly understand your point of view, I would be mad aswell.

But "rules are rules" cit.
i'm with gabri22.
Fuck off, scrubs.
ac_players/listplayers, check guids on clanbase, complain before F3ing.
F3 = medic
F3 for me is +attack
3000 damage in 2 maps olololol :D
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