LoL season 2 championship

QuoteOn October 13, 2012, Riot Games will host the thrilling conclusion of our $5 million season in Los Angeles, California. With half of Season Two already in the books and numerous viewership records broken, the best players from North America, Europe, China, Korea and the Rest of Asia are all preparing for their respective Regional Finals. Over the course of this epic tournament series, top teams from each region will clash for the right to advance to the World Championship in Los Angeles, where the winner will bring home the lion’s share of a $3 million combined prize pool – the biggest payday in eSports history!

3 million dollars in 1 event. Jesus fucking christ. No wonder FinlandmiNd and Finlandtomi has announced that they will be moving to Korea to become LoL-legends.

LoL is the future of eSports.
ive heard that riot make hosts of events sign contracts that lol will be the only moba at that venue.
oh the power of micro transactions paired with an aggressive marketing.
they are drowning in money.
To be fair if you were the head of that company you'd do the same...
ofc i would.
id also do the same being CEO of EA or Activision.
there is a market for it, so penetrate it.
there is no "code of honor", there is only making money.
That is of course unlike every other industry ever. Riot are such bastards by reinventing marketing.
you seem to mistake me for a lefty.
Not exactly. You just make it seem like it's unusual.
i cba to point out thet dota2 has quite good prize pools and that at dreamhack summer hon has the largest pot but that riot really carefully positions their own investments into the scene to be able to put out those huge headlines.
they are doing well and their business modell has made them rich. should be compied (from a managing stand point).
however im not certain that the whole f2p hype really does gaming any good.
take tribes for example.
hi-rez seems to release OP weapons on purpose to get those early "must have/must p2w" sales in. i can understand why they "have to do it" but it hurts the game.
lol afraid of DOTA2 XD
haha true m8 XD DOTA2 > LOL anytime gg :)
yes, they could even make 10 million$$$ cup I still wouldnt take part because its so bad game haha XD
DOTA for life XD gg / LOL = BAD XD
yes DOTA2 = chess / LOL = checkers XD
Dota2 = LOL/GG/WP anytime gg/LOL = WP XD
image: ownerd

see you there krpm8s
only 3 friends?

forever alone!
only 3 friends in a game?? LOL such A NERD XD
I have 6 friends actually but they are not online
urgot hard counter to ashe if she doesnt get a soraka or taric with her. I got raped by one aswell, eventhough I was winning before getting ganked 4v1 alot.

urgot + soraka even more retarded unless the opposing ad has a good support and jungler
i dont know much about lol yet but from what ive seen ashe is not the best ad carry? quite weak for it
She is, she just needs to farm and like most ad carries needs a decent team to protect her. If ashe gets to mid or late game and she has a decent team to protect her, she can ravage the enemy team. If your team chases the enemy while you are getting destroyed, there is nothing u can do but kite and run all day.

Ashe the only ad carry with an initiation tool and perma slow. Unless you count Urgot as an ad carry but he falls off lategame
never tried ashe, only graves as ad carry was ok but meh I prefer playing support lately, much more fun and require some positioning skills/opend eyes instead of smashing QWER (for most of champs)

cool to know about ashe but i doubt ill ever try to play her, I want to give a shot at vollibear!
Ashe is good for teams and tourneys, but so no much when you're going solo.

She makes up for her lack of damage in terms of utility, hence why teams benefit from her more
Ashe lacks damage?
Compared to other carries yeah.
She does in late game.
She can win lane if she's competent and against the right team with the right team, but it's all very situational.

Her utility is essential and most solo qs can't take advantage of it well enough for it to be worth going her.
Imo the damage difference is minimal and not really a big problem if you take into account the permaslow. Ofcourse you can't compare her dps to kog his damage on tanks :p
ashe was lvl 7 :D

he played bot against low lvl while i was playing solo top vs 2 lvl 30 xD
Not lvl 30 yet :pp

but urgot is awesome if u know how to play him properly with a good/the right support :)
they had few lv30 tho
Lvl 26...
your point being?
soon you will enter elo hell :D
Im armed

+ wont play ranked games till I know a bit more about the game
Try and get like 250 normal wins.

Not just for experience, but also because of the ip for runes and champions.

And try to watch some high elo people stream (or tournaments) from time to time to get the general gist of how to play ranked games :3
hehe i'm finally ranked after playing 280 ranked games :-D
Oh you Gifted.. Theres no such a thing :(
Not with nikio around!
been playing on my friends acc while own is banned. Account was around 870elo with 400games. Got this account to 1400 2 times now, then owner of account goes play and drops 200elo twice.. q.q
"5 mlln prize pool."
QuoteNo wonder Finland miNd and Finland tomi has announced that they will be moving to Korea to become LoL-legends.

no place for them! :P
Me and mind will shock korean LoL scene with our uber tactics + we are not nerds whose faces have been rubbed with toxic waste. So I think there will be a place for me and mind :P
atleast topmodelz from korea are waiting for us :)
of course your faces havent been rubbed with toxic waste. :P what I meant is, LoL is getting even more popular than ever here, over SC, and Korean top teams are strong enough to send fnatic/CLG to their home so no chance for you two! maybe shock european scene first? :p

btw topmodelz? who? :Dd
we aim straight to the top :) i dont know any topmodelz :D yet ;)
yeah yeah gl man
Its combined for the hole season not for 1 tournament. So Dota2 is making 1.5million USD tournament for one LAN! not for the hole season. How about that?
How about being backed by a preexisting multimillion dollar company like Valve. How about having piss poor viewer numbers compared to LoL. How about the $1.5M event being the only one this year.

DotA2 will never make it as big as LoL. It's just not casual enough.
Dude, the game is in invited beta. :O) This is the biggest game ever in beta phase that have so much support by the company and not some "season money"
Calling it invited beta is just a marketing hoax to spike interest. Every dimwitted moron can get an invite. And to talk about developer support in comparison to Riot makes you look incredibly ignorant. I even acknowledged the fact that Valve can technically pump more money into their game. The fact that Riot is able to do the same, with LoL their first and only game, is considerably more impressive.
It's Dota with nice graphics. That's Dota2

It's not beta, everyone knows what to expect, it's why valve isn't scared to throw money at it, they know it will work, because dota worked and moba are popular now anyway.

LoL will still have more players and viewers though, even in years to come. Dota2 might be considered more competitive eventually, but Riot will do everything they can to promote the competitive LoL scene regardless and they're doing pretty good so far
3 million is in that event, the whole seasons prizepool was 5 million. sup?

gtfo with ur bragging m8
The Season 2 Finale of LoL is 3million dollars.

U mad bro?

Newcomer Riot outpaying Valve.
It almost looks like morde is getting owned!
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