3 days! ESL Spring Signups

Signup for 1on1 ESL Spring!
Signup for 3on3 ESL Spring!
Signup for 6on6 ESL Spring!

Maplist for 1on1 / 3on3 / 6on6 can be found: here

vote the 6th map for the ESL 3on3 Spring League: here!
vote the 6th map for the ESL 6on6 Spring League: here!

More Information!

You can signup anytime between now and the 5th of May 2012!

Artstar for ESL admin
why no 2o2 cup ?
2o2 is boring. :D ESL should focus just on 6on6 format and make some nice cup as an alternative for EC / other 6o6 cups. also you have 2o2 OC atm where you can play something in this format
2o2 > 1o1 still
1o1 seem to be quite active in ESL.
as though that will last forever, 2o2 is stable
6on6 division not looking very good :(
that's coz like 20% of CB signups have signed up there ;z no idea why though
cause esl admins won´t change anything.
what do you mean? :f change what?
Simply example is the 3o3&6o6 Ladder i asked them if we can change it that teams drop out that fast after an short time beiing inactive, they sayed yes we can but we have to create a new ladder and stuff and so they never did anything for that.

+ headadmins inactive as fuck.

and many more things went wrong there i cant understand why people which wanna change something for this game getting ignored.

I got much ambitious at the first months there but as i saw that people dont really care about et i got bored there.

Foamea is the only admin there who was rly interested in doing some competitions and stuff.

e: my english is shit as fuck :D
do you give up @ admining? :d
i got kicked cause of personal involvement, thx to roba in this case.
because esl isnt that attractive like cb
Those are just the ones who have been accepted so far
looking for 4yo CF account, pm me for prices
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