Windows 8 sucks !

Yo CF !

For all of you that think win 8 > win 7, well you're illogical. And if you think that xp > win 7, same for you.

Belgium Nicolah you might read this :

I really hope for this tbh, It would be awesome. Perhaps, amd/ati needs better video drivers on linux.


Thanks to simon for this awesome site btw :)
im fine with win 7
100% agree, tried -> desinstalled
They also plan to make it the only OS on some computers in the next future it means you wont be able to use linux distrib or w/e in dualboot
gg windows
This is not possible unless they make win8 loads like BIOS. I hope not :)
Well some are stupid enough to buy mac, I won't be surprised if some others are stupid enough too to buy such "secure" PC. Just built your own :)
and we are already able to hack this "secure" thing :)
anyone who wants to use an OS other then windows will build their own PC anyway 99% of the time.
i think you are totally wrong as Francemamouth is, almost all of the mac user have a build in computer/laptop
mac is not PC.
A PC is a personal computer, a Mac is a personal computer, therefore a Mac is PC.
ofc but most of people before iphone trought that you could not install mac os x on a PC (windows/linux compatible). Most of them trought that way. If he think that win8 > * well maybe he is a port of this people. I don't know if you got me :)
BIOS will be thrown in the bin, UEFI will be used instead. It gives them the option to disallow dualboots, they won't necessarily do it, but have the option.
what is microsoft 8? XDDXXD
wtf is microsoft 8? did you mean windows8?
Microsoft 8 wtf is this?
Microsoft 8!
any arguments?
click on the link, then read and click on the other links in the article ;)
I read the consumer review globally but its not negative
what is the point of the journal

you state nowhere why win 8 is bad
click links
I'm not going to read that wall of tekts

but saying a os is shit because you cant play vydia on it meh
You should read walls of text before saying "a os is shit because you cant play" ;)
Je l'avais dit que windows 8 serait de la merde, win98 j'ai aimé, win2000 j'ai pas aimé, winxp j'ai aimé, winvista j'ai pas aimé, win7 j'ai aimé donc c'est logique qu'on aime pas win8 :DD
Tout à fait :)
You installed it on a PC, the RC-version? Well played.
no he didn't!
I'm not crazy man :d
win 8 is a beast! trust me. some new powerfull stuff.

did you try it more than twoo weeks? let me answer for you Francemamouth : NO!

so you dunno any shit about it Mr.Troll (you have to know wat troll mean and you don't)

even tho i'm not telling that win8 is better than Linux, as mentioned in your "site" linux aint for gaming "yet" otherwise i would have been using linux for ages.

but for my own : Win8 > 7
I didn't even download it. Waste of everything. It's not telling linux is better than anything for gaming, but steams really think to move on linux. It's just to tell you how shit is win8.
you can still play on xp if you want to.

also you act like if you knew that 8 was shit but you didn't tryed it yourself.

you are a kind of guy who fall on rumour etc

cool personality :)

no need to answer shit, you dunno wat you are talking about.
I on win7 btw. Still win8 is shit :D
u on win7??? you meant, you use win7?!

cool : win8 is shit :D nice valid argument…

tell me why??? while being objective you have no point at all!!!

gtfo now va étudier!
I had first release, mid 2011. OS was useless and certainly the rev I used was way too early for a BETA. I'll give it another try when it's released but for now, Win7 for me. I have WinXP 7 Ububtu and OSX. All for compiling ETZombies but I become more fond of Linux each time. Powerful just shame about the terminal control, even me as a programmer and Win CMD skillor it gets confusing all the time.
If you meant you mean the word mean then yes I mean I'm using win7 which is just great.

windows 8 is designed following windows 7 phone/tablet !! What a shame really.
you don't know wat you are talking about.

thanks for useful comments (feel the irony)
hahe sure, stay deep in your hole :D
im a linux user, it rocks powerfully
im a win xp user, it games (quakelive is more awesome in linux btw)


havent tried 8 yet ...
everything that can be done with xp is possible with 7 and more ;)
yes, but i dont feel like computing on a wastefull resource environment, i like clever stuff, not marketing conducted+low piece of engineering shit
Well like I said down, drivers for win7 are optimizd for recent games to the detriment of olders.
Love it how some games just perform better under wine, openGL > directgay3d

edit: Valve has really been pressuring apple to improve the openGL drivers on OSX, hopefully they do the same thing for Linux.
Yea. Well it works good on nvidia, and not so good on amd :X
I use Win 7 every day and not booted into XP since it was installed as dual boot. Win XP is better for gaming and mouse fixes etc.. Win 7 unstable fps most of time but not on XP. But 99% of time is on 7 and it's an awesome OS defo best since XP.
i have a tripple boot

Same and them3 as boot and virtual OS plus Mac OSX
I would say windows 7 is better for recent games. But it's not that way you have to think. People who made drivers (nvidia/amd) optimize drivers for win vista/7. That's why you think you have more stable fps on XP. I'm pretty sure you have more fps running bf3 on win7 instead of xp.
i heard bf3 only run on 7...

if i would act like you i will say : xp is shit, 7 rox…



I really do not understand the point of this kind of journals. You could write some more information. Stating that something is just shit is childish and well... does not make me click the link.

I hear there are problems with Win8 and I hear that it is very different from OS that we are used to. Still not judging much, but cannot really expect anything good at the moment.

this is wat i meant (talking about the past)
It's just an example. Replace bf3 with any other recent games ...
Obviously you'll get less or the same FPS in ET since the drivers for win 7 were never designed for that, whereas those on XP were.

Try running newer games and compare again.
I understand that, and I was the one who wrote the solution to the FPS problems.

But still, Win7 is a very stable OS and it does as it should. Not had to use XP for anything and won't ever have to again I think (apart from testing ET:Zombies compiles).
I really do not understand the point of this kind of journals. You could write some more information. Stating that something is just shit is childish and well... does not make me click the link.

I hear there are problems with Win8 and I hear that it is very different from OS that we are used to. Still not judging much, but cannot really expect anything good at the moment.
this is an objectif comment!! Worth it compared to FranceMorrocomamouth
I fyou don't want to click the link, then don't complain if you don't have any infos.
yeah lets listen to every rumour.

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