Test stream fin6-bf

image: game32777

There you guys go, just a test please give me some feedback afterwards :)
I like the score display maybe make it smaller like on sky sports!
Sound is hurting my ears.. .:/
too loud or bad quality
bad quality, but the video quality is really nice!
What ironic said :D
Sweet quality! Sound wasnt that good tho :x

The score display is a nice touch, but as Fumble said, it would be better if you could make it a bit smaller. And is it possible to sync a stream to a shoutcast? Or just when you're shoutcasting it yourself?
It was all a test

The sound quality was probably bad since I was using a free xsplit account next time I probably use the Adroits premium account so I'm able to get a better audio codec.

Will work on the score bad just randomly added it between maps.
If there's any way to monitor the volume levels, you might look at that — it might be that the game-volume is too loud, and the audio is clipping (aside from making sure the audio is set to 44khz in ET, etc.).

Video quality was great, though!
Well do an extra check, thanks for the input
quality was good from what ive seen. keep it up :)
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