Muenchen Trip Help

Hey guys
So I'm going to a 3 day class trip to munich and in the afternoon we are allowed to go out, but we have to be back at 24:00.
We are mostly 16 years old and we are only allowed to have a beer. So what could you recommend us to do.

drop out of school
get offi for 18 cet !!!
Drink lots of alcohol, fuck the rules and live.
You dont do things like that every day..... make the most of it and dont give a f... wether you get shit on by teachers.

Atleast thats how we did in berlin ^^

Or what timbolina said
biergarten -> bier trinken -> fertig
Go to nighstore, get liquor, get whiteboy wasted
Age: 16 ( 25 September 1995 )
You have to be 16 to drink in Germany.
Someone in my class is 18
What k1kzz said. If you are just 16 years old that's probably the best idea to spend the afternoon/evening, especially with good weather. Beergarden is the way to go.

Those that get into my mind right now and that I could recommend are:

- Hirschgarten
- Chinesischer Turm @ Englischer Garten (Englischer Garten is amazing!)
- Seehaus @ Englischer Garten
- Augustiner Keller (not a beergarden but you can drink beer there aswell ;) )

If you want to go to any club until 24.00, I only know 'Crash' (some kiddo club I went to when I was 16) Might get wasted pretty fast since the price for a beer is really low

there are a lot more and I'll add them.

When are you going?
Augustiner Keller has quite big Biergarten aswell...
Im going this monday to wednesday
Ok, hopefully the wheather will be good, you gotta visit the englische garten. :)
As mentioned before the Beergardens are a good option you will get at least some beers there and some proper food

Not sure if there are any proper clubs where you can go since you are only 16

Where are you staying anyways?
My favorite Beergardens:

Augustiner Keller

If you are staying in munich during the summer the english garden is a must go aswell with its Eisbach and the Wave with its surfers

Not rly a club but the Barschwein near "Münchener Freiheit" is quite good aswell to get wasted.
Uhm were going next week monday to wednesday and were staying at a hostal close to the bahnhof
check out the Augustiner Keller then should be 5-10min walk from the Main station
Spektakel is around 20mins with the underground
Hirschgarten isnt that far either with the train sbahn

Also if you stay around the U6 line you should be fine you can go to the Münchener Freiheit, Odeonsplatz (from there its like a 5min walk to the english garden), Marienplatz or University there you can find all kinds of pubs and some clubs try your luck with clubs but might be a bit hard being 16
when i was in munich at our school trip (also 16 years old) at 90% of the bars, they wanted us to be 18 to drink beer.... we were like "fu" in germany u can drink beer as you're 16, but they didnt give us anything..
when we went to london at around the same age with school, a teacher found that some of my guys from school were drinking alcohol. They were put on the eurostar the morning after towards home.
one guy stole beer and got caught, he got sent home :p
would go for beer aswell since the bayern know how to brew a nice weizen. I would go for the not-standard weizen beers and drink them by the liters. enjoy
buy weed > smoke all night on hotelroom!
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