New internet connection...? (de)

Hey guys,

in case somebody moves to a new home/city and is in need of a new stable internet connection i can recommend Kabel Deutschland ;)

got a new 100mbit connection and working since 3 weeks without any problems ;)

in case you establish a new contract would be nice if you say i have told you about them ;)

my customer id: 731717525

<333 will help me supporting the et community (and maybe an et team for the upcoming lan *;)*)!
tried to change to them, ended up having no internet for 3 months, now I'm back at 1&1
Brb, phoning Kabel Deutschland to let them know that customer 731717525 has been abusing their referral program.
xD customers = money. Abusing is not possible when they benefit :).
<1mbps, been contacting them all today, my exchange has FTTC enabled, but my street cabinet doesn't yet. 130Mb max speed... I'm stuck with <1mbps ADSL until then.

I was paying £51 per month for this:

image: 1710649087

Moaned and now pay £31, but still high considering the cable customers get free upgrade of 30 > 50mb and 100mb > 120mb whilst I get 18% price increase with no speed increase.
image: 1930779780 - My cabinet does and is now my local exchange :) This actually went upto 36MBS yesterday and this morning. Not bad for the UK :)

Edit: I pay £17.00 :)
You have ADSL before? I had 100Mb cable so it's been hard on me :P.
I have Kabel deutschland too.
image: 1476351777

i pay 15 euros
Very nice :)
its Poland, at least we have cheap internet here!:P
yeah and u all lag u motherfuckers
thats so 2005
Kabel BadenWürttemberg !
1&1 here, prices too high but never had any problems with customer support/ downtimes etc
1&1 was only problematic when your connection won't work because of a broken connection box on the wall in your room because the guy that lived in your flat before you broke it...

At first I had no connection. Then I reported that to them. After a day I had a response that they activated it, so it should be there, but it wasn't. Then they gave me a date for a guy that should come to my place and check the connections between 9am and 5pm. -> He didn't come.
Then you call them again and report that the guy didn't show up. Then they give you a new date.
Then the guy came and fixed the problem (which was a new box in the wall... it took only 10 minutes to find and fix the problem).

In the end I had to wait 4 weeks for my connection to work... At least I had the internet stick working after a 1 hour phone call where they told me how to reconfigure the program to another network provider because I had no connection with the default one because it only covered 90% of Germany.
So I wasn't totally without internet and they agreed to ignore the costs for one month because of that huge delay.

But nowadays 1&1 shows ads how fast they are when problems appear. So I guess they made some changes in their processes or their telekom slaves who need to locally fix the connection in the houses do their tasks a bit earlier (or do them at all at first request).
naughty spu9, not allowed to do referrals! ;)
No dynamic IPs = nothx
France -> Numericable -> 100 Mbps + Phone illimited -> 20€/month -> works perfectly

Mad bro ? :>
can't wait for the day i see a connection above 1mb :p
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