OGN LoL Semifinals!

[LIVE] MiG Blaze vs TeamOP, Semifinal / AZUBU LOL The Champions Spring 2012

For anyone interested in LoL, any new players wondering what higher level games are like:

One of the biggest LoL tournaments up to this moment is going on right now, the Korean tournament with huge prizemoney on the line. CLG.NA and Fnatic have been eliminated in earlier stages. Semi Final is live right now! Winner meets MiG Frost in the Grand Final.

Tune in at http://www.own3d.tv/live/263022/_LIVE__MiG_Blaze_vs_TeamOP__Semifinal___AZUBU_LOL_The_Champions_Spring_2012

Update 15.06: in this best of five MiG Frost is currently 2:1 ahead, 4th game starting soon!
Update 15.49: Game over, awesome performance by MiG Blaze!

anyone interested in playing LoL signup via http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4d23e2a94c568939439922 and add saKenji ingame!
Are you good on LoL? If yes, better than bF boys? If yes, let's play sometime :)
Who the hell is bF boys? :P
belgian fraternity
no, he's not good. he gets owned by me all the time and then he's mad&sad :)
are you using "help" at LoL also??
????????? are u trying to be funny or are u actually asking if i use guides? and no i don't.
he is much better & experienced than all of us.
sry i have to play myself to earn ip for attack speed runes, which iw ant to use on lee sin and shyvanna
att runes work better with anivia and morgana I heard, it eases lasthitting and winning lategame
For some reason I find Anivia extremely easy to lasthit with :o
yeah, I dont find it hard either, but I understand its hard for those who havent played with her much. the slow flying crystal is hard to predicted I ugess
It's hard to lasthit with her against competent opponents.

Even pro players get shit like tear and chalice just so they can use her skills to farm rather than last hit
its hard to farm for them with her lasthit cuz of her range and speed, not so much because of att speed as itself. and well, anivia is so mana dependant that tear is like a must and its not only because of lasthit, is it
Tear became a must because of the blue buff nerf, before that you would be fine with just RoA :3

But yeah, it's not the attack speed, getting AD masteries (or more damage to minions mastery) is very useful on characters like anivia and swain though :)
Well, Alex Ich, Moscow 5 AP midlaner uses some AD runes even on kennen for easier last hits
Well kennen's W scales with AD so it makes sense for him... Anivia less so
duh why would you use attack speed runes on lee
ask saken... he said its fucking good and flamed me because i said its retarded
It is retarded.
no b4lu, ignore sucken these runes suck. just go for like 12 arp and 8 damage, not sure how much u can get them with armor and MR runes, but get like 30% or a little more arp than damage and then ur fine
Dat helios :O
Bitches got raped.
MiG dominating the LoL scene!!
Finland me & tomi will be at korea for next season, :).
nice shitgame u play!
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