LoL solo/duoq

Gonna play LoL duoq all nite long! Feel free to add me and come spectate o/

Euwest: Niki0o
Current elo: 1967
Mostly AD carry or jungle

image: UQnBD

have a good night
gl hf xo
elo 9000:
image: 0769e70de1777cca318c93793333510b_2486
Oh god, please stop posting shit from 9gag
nah im good
one question. how the fuck do you get past 1300 mark?
don't waste ur head on elo, it doesn't show anything, system is bad and SoloQ is not even LoL, its fucking 100x jaymod of LoL.
If you're really better, duoq carries easy
true that but not everybody got time to play regularly :<
1200-1400 games are easy to carry and also I would recomend to play duoq with friend so you can communicate not only via ingame chat, also try to take favourite postions for both of you, so you can dominate game even more
prac, duoq if possible. If you are good enough you should be able to carry the games pretty hard
impossible to carry with 4 trolls in team (which I lost like 1000000 elo for) while winning gives me like plus 1 elo :D
not complaining bout elo hell though, dont like playing soloQ as its really boring compared to playing anything with premades
I just played on my friends account wich was (hes words) stuck at 850elo. took me about 4-5days to get the account to 1400 ;--) And yes i carried like fuck prettymuch everygame
well, yeah, I guess that someone who can play at 1900 elo can carry this easily. the closer you get to your real elo, the harder times you have to carry.
nonetheless I DONT complain about elo hell, there is no such thing :|
True dat, theres no such a thing as elohell :-)
Ended up in 1/4th finals of a gofrlol yesterday, got stomped by 2100-2200 elos. Wasn't fun.
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