ETXreaL : Yay or Nay?

I think the project has died (though the source code is still available) but are people still interested in ETX ?

What if ETX had pro mod and some new maps? etc.... ?

Do you think its possible to get people playing it instead of stock ET?
Looked like ET + Glow

Someone needs to take a different artistic direction if they want to succeed with a "new look" ET.

Something like SF IV (maybe toned down a little) would make for a really nice looking game without trying to be too realistic like MW3/BF3.
link me to the promod dl and a server to test it please.
I think this project is good to bring new players, nothing more.
tbh it would make more sense to simply make a new ET.exe file that supports anti aliasing and maps with high quality textures
that is etxreal.....
not rly, in etxreal you need a whole new game! Let's take image-et.exe (a recording tool) as an example. You can add antialiasing etc, got better shadows and so on, only due to a different .exe file! If you make new maps with better textures (don't give a shit about the filesize) in combination with antialiasing that would be enough
ETXreal with working windows and linux client + pro mod, yes please! ... New maps sounds good, but might not be necessary....
Although I admire your enthusiasm Josh, I think ET will never accept ETXREAL, and that's the ONLY reason we didn't push ETXREAL with ET:Z. We MAY release it for XREAL ETZXREAL :D, as it's based off of vanilla ET so shouldn't be hard as there's no external dependences which would cause so many issues.

Unfortunately XREAL came 5 years too late, shame as ET will always be my favourite game with many happy memories.

You might want to take a look at ET:Legacy on Splash Damage forums:

That's the closest you're going to get to a 'new and improved' ET ;).
ETXreal is not "finished" and it lacks the pro mod. Once those are solved the situation might get better. Btw. good work with ET:Z ...Release it for ETXreal too.
I know the current state it's at, and porting mods would be an easy job in some cases. ETXREAL will not get any further than it's at now, it will not be released as a game nor a mod.

ET will stay @ ETPro until it dies and the only players are ETPUB, JAYMOD & NOQUARTER.

Unfortunately it's a sad death, but it will come ONE DAY. Unless we all keep it alive, but 99% of this community DO NOT LIKE CHANGE & NEW THINGS. Which is why most players either stay with ET or buy a console. They're hypocrites :D.
has anyone tested '2.70' with etpro yet? looks like a _really_ cool project.
With what source?
ET legacy seems cool i mean just fixing bugs would be enough for the first steps anyway :D
They've done a lot more work since the original post, check the other pages ;).
I say no. picmip 3 all the way.
never really got what was the point of etxreal so nay
Improved everything.
I think so not much activity their irc channel as-well.
ETPro/jaymod/tzac? integrated in ETXREAL + some fixes regarding netcode and some other stuff = complete and epic game for public and competition. But this is never going to happen
I don't play ET for it's graphics and I don't think ETX adds anything valuable to ET but I find it absolutely awesome that people where able to create it and try.
People also play minecraft.. I personally believe ET's biggest problem is distribution and getting started with the game.
I can tell you a lot of people are working on that behind the scene and hopefully cf4 will give a fresh breathe of air into it but time can only tell.
jani's guide looks great so far, seen the mockups he made?
I actually have no clue what you are talking about :X, please elborate you are speaking about Jani aka J ?
"soon..." :D
If they would have managed to promote it a bit to attract new players, sure..but I had no motivation to play it myself, I'm happy with ET as game as it is.

The engine is broken.
I think people would if there was an anticheat available for it but chapjla didn't want to make it for ETXREAL :c
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