srl mornin jrnl #3

right so today my day started almost like im a normal person
i woke up at 7, like i have someting to do / get some business done, usaly i wake up around 15 o'clock.
So i worked on my movie project in the morning for a while dide some nice things here and there image: image1 but when i exported and composed it, it looked like a diff project :D hers what i got
so i rage closed everything (Megui,adobe after effects,sony vegas) after seeing that
and decided to reformat my pc, (What else to do to kill time?) last time i installed a fresh copy of windows on my hd was a few months ago when i reinstalled my win xp 64bit <3 rly nice os but BF3 is not working with it..

actually thinking about installing windows 7 64bit, any negative things about that os? & There are like loads of "Versions?" for win7 64bit, like win 7 ultimate 64 win 7 seareal 64 etc etc, wich one for max performance/ gaming? :D (dont u dare say win7 64 gaming)

what about u crossfire, wich OS do u recommend/use? (yes ofc il install linux but first i need a main os) & WTF U DOIN UP SO EARLY Y U SO SEAREAL

good thing i dont have a big usb stick (NO IM NOT TALKING ABOUT MY PENIS) or an external hard drive, that means il get to sit on my pc for hours and hours backing up my files onto dvd's :D

Live update
e: 10:40cet "Backup progress, 8gb of files backedup (2dvds)"
11:09 "3dvds done, left alot of things out, fuck it lets get this party started
11:11 seareal offline
11.50 only 30gb of space wtf, format again bb
12.30 seareal online Hello windoiws7, time to install everything :D
13.02 ET READY, now time for Sirnica/Burek and windows update

EDIT : Win8
hold on fuck sake, gonna take a while

Quote by searealgood thing i dont have a big usb stick (NO IM NOT TALKING ABOUT MY PENIS) or an external hard drive, that means il get to sit on my pc for hours and hours backing up my files onto dvd's :D
Cousin's communion today.. Gotta listen to a pedophile..
i once touched an 8yr old vagina when i was 9
masturbated later

What the hell..
my first kiss was when i was 8, she was 16
She picked my head up gave me a deep throat french kiss and threw me on the ground, then she left, later i got her sister naked

after that iv ben tuching my penis 2much
kinda scared i think i might be gay
only in slovenia
No, that is the soul purpose of my life/creation

I was sent to earth with a reasson, im on a mission!
my mission is to decrease the number of tight vaginas in my region, That is the point of my species

I Am not alone tho, i have plenty of brothers (yes some of them are black) and some of them are, like you like to call them "Gay Homo Fags"

i will make a short call to my brother in ur immediate area, lets just say u wont be sitting down normaly for a coupple of weeks, trust me, my brother is biig.

on the side not i heard that 10-13yr old girls fucks with adults just to get cigs (and i didnt mention weed or alcohol yet)
very inspiring, you drunk?
whats inspiring in a 10yr old kid fucking ur granpa for a pack of cigs, u sick drunk junky?!
I was being sarcastic
are we playing that game um um um whats it called again

captian obvius? uh uh uh let me try

im check-ing ur in-tellect
by writing in some dumb nonsense
to pro-vide in-sight
a psych evaluation if u like
but shit mike, ur dummer then a tree SYK

Dont mind me imma ghost ghost ghost
Sorry Sir, I am not interested.
playing ET 24/7
still bad
Good song.
had an awesome night. now smoking and drinking coffee on my balcony
na balkonu pijem kafu i jedem pitu
wtf did i just watch
im awesome,not psychic ...
that pink sky is really creative, I hope you will use it throughout the whole movie.
was just testing the mask since i animated it wanted to c how it moves thru the movie :D

e: Used around 20keyframes for 10sec :D so dont bust my ass cuz of the colour i used XD
i had to make the sky cuz i forgot to make it in the process, then i was in after effects and i edited my shot so the sky dissapeard (it was full white) .. :D was not that simple masking whites :D
just woke up lol :P
Nice frags, have a nice day :)
Koop got raped....
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