259.876th mouse topic

Hello guys!

I'm planning to buy a new mouse since my 3 years old Logitech G500 started to dying (actually I've read a lot about its "double-click instead of click" problem and I'm more than capable of repairing it -will do it once to use it on my laptop- but I still want a new mouse because its something like girls buying new clothes).

So as ever and again, my question is, which mouse I should buy? I dont really want to spend more than 70 euros. So lets say 70 is the budget.

I had Logitech G5 for 3 years, G500 for 3 years and once, very back in time I had a Razer Copperhead (if i remember well) with cable problems (so thats where I got my G5 in exchange).

Actually I was very pleased with Logitech, even my keyboard, headset, speakers are all Logi and they all served me well. BUT... this time I'm looking for some Razer since they all light so nice in those green colors.

The only problem is that I heard a lot of bad about its quality... While I never had any problem with Logitech (I guess 3 years lifetime for a gaming mouse is pretty good since I used it really hard).

The one I'm looking mainly is the Razer Imperator 2012 since its design looks pretty much like G5/G500. So I'm interested in this mouse but if you have any bad experience (or good) with it scare (or convince) me please. Or give me any idea about other mice.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: please give me proper explanation or at least more than just a product name.
Razer Deathadder.
c6shy liked your post.
if you like that shape - get g400
I like the shape but G400 is the updated version of MX518 right? Because its smaller and thiner than G500/G5. So even if its kinda same shape, for me its very different.
steelseries sensei
thats fucking expensive here and i m not sure steelseries is so good in mouse to pay that price.
Xai is awesome mouse atleast, not a single problem with it and ive had it for 1 and a half years
in finland the price is like 71e
got ocz eclipse
nice one
did not even know ocz makes mice. will check it out
Razer Deathadder(a bit expensive 50-60 euro, perfect aiming achievable, optical sensor would go for that one)
G400 ( its shit cuz of prediction( YES NOOBS SAY IT DOES HAVE NO PREDICTION BUT IT DOES FUCK YOU ALL OK? but some noobs still say its great but its cheap for 20-30 euro so a +)
Steelseries xai/sensei (are rly accurate laser sensor but expensive 70 euro)
New version of G400 doesn't have prediction
as i said FUCK YOU cuz it does have
Fuck you too twat, get aids, talking bullshit about things you dont know, gg
u dont know shit so gtfo and die on aids
QuoteRe: g400 angle snapping/mouse prediction removed?

01-08-2012 08:46 AM

Hi ewarwoowar,

Angle snapping has been removed on the newer G400's, due to customer requests.

You have one of the G400's without angle snapping.

i have bought one of the newer versions its still there as i said to u logitech fanboys FUCK YOU
Maybe you have been just unlucky and bought some old G400 instead of new one:P

Could you check PID number from the bottom of your mouse and tell it to me?
dude its one with over PID 13333 i checked it srsly
what is prediction in some words? not wikipedia links etc.
well in short it does correct your mouse movement when u do straight lines so u dont get 1 to 1 mouse movements
thanks. thought thats aimbot.
i dont get it,plz explain more :[ and why is it bad

edit: i get it, but is it mostly disadvantage for fps games or some else also?
theres prolly more mice out there without 'prediction' google is your friend!
g400, not point starting again with a completly diff mouse

thers only one thing u should keep in mind tho

STEELSERIES SENSEI > everything :D if ur playing FPS's : ) best shape , best settings for aimbat like aim style :P
I've heard that the sensei had laser problems?
Why do you prefer the sensei to xai?
cuz sensei = xai 2.0

laser problems?! where di u hear that? this mouse can handle 11 400dpi without skipping...
So noone have any experience about Imperator? And Sensei is 90 euro here, so its out of my budget. Well actually If I really like it, I could add to it, but doesnt seem like a first choice for that money.
dont go for laser mice :P
Can't say much about new mice, but if I was you I'd go for a Razer DeathAdder v1 or Razer DiamondBack (NOT THE 3G VERSION) , you can get these for 15-20€ from 2nd hand.

And the answer to your question is: Have fun finding a mousepad for a laser mouse.
Használt egeret venni? Na nem mintha szarnám a pénzt, de ilyen baromságot rég hallottam... Na meg eddig a G500 teljesen jól működött egy Steelseries QcK+al és az is lézeres. Most ne arra gondolj, hogy én ET-ben fogok beállításokkal vacakolni meg tweakelek, mint egy profi. Simán Battlefield 3-azok (viszonylag magas szinten, de semmiképp sem a pénzkeresők szintjén) és még mindig "csak" játszogatok. Szóval nekem csak egy jó egér kell, nem versenyezni akarok, max csak ESL-ezgetni kicsit. Inkább mond el, mit hallottál a Razer Imperator-ról. Még mindig ez érdekel a legjobban, a G400 amit orrba szájba ajánlanak az MX518 másolata és nem tetszik a fogása. Mondhatnak akármit, de a G5 csak messziről ugyanaz, ha ráteszi valaki a kezét akkor már teljesen más.
Ezt a két egeret nem gyártják már, szóval csak másodkézből tudsz venni 1.
Kettő minden egeret fél áron megkapsz használtak kitűnő állapotban.
Kétszer vettem másodkézből DiamondBack-et (mert ennél jobb egér NINCS a világon) és mindkettő mintha vad új lett volna, 4 és 3 ezret fizettem értük.
Legjobb üzlet.
Fogalmam sincs milyenek ezek a G231215ös meg az új razer egerek.
qck+ / heavy works grate here with sensei :D
have the imperator.(not 2012 cuz 2 sensors shit)

im a mouse junky.

g9,imperator, mx518,mx1000,mx revolution etc....

imperator is nice but i prefer g9 bit more.
satisfied with imperator? looks nice? looks quality after a g9 mouse? because logitech really use quality materials, i hope razer imperator does too. any bad experience?
imperator is terrible sensor wise, especially the updated version
oh come on :( the only not logi mouse i really like by its shape :(
you ar giving shitty advice, only decent mice you recommended is mx518. more expensive =! better
So you have bad experiences about Imperator? I still like that mouse the most from the new ones I saw.
I have Logitech G400 and I have to say it is really great mouse!

First of all you have had G500. I have not owned that mouse but I guess the shape is pretty close to G400. (The shape of G400 and MX518 are exactly the same). G400 has 1000hz polling rate which is pretty great! It has pretty high max DPI, don't remember accurate numbers, you are not going to use them anyway, just pointing this out. It has five different DPI levels by default like 400, 800, 1600... etc. No need to install SetPoint or anything, you can just plug in and you can instantly use all those DPI levels.
The big PLUS is that the mouse is extremely cheap, it is around 30-40 euros, cheaper than most of the other gaming mouses. Old versions of G400 has prediction but new ones doesn't. The mouses which has PID over #13333 are the new ones and have prediction removed.
Hope this helped:)
well, thanks for this. i'm still unsure of g400 since g5 and mx518 was VERY different for me even if the shape of mice was similar or almost equal. but when i put my hands on both, they felt very different. i'm afraid its the same with g500 and g400 then.
wow never knew the g400 has 1000hz! i would always put my mx518 to 1000hz and it would always end up dieing eventually haha.
Haven't you thought about putting it to 500Hz and letting it live? 8e
MX518 o;
g400 / razer deathadder
own old version of g400. Its good mouse, sadly I don't have time to play games..
Steelseries Sensei or if you want to save a little money, Steelseries Sensei RAW
Or a Microsoft Wheelmouse Optical will be fine as well for 12 Euro :-)
I agree on the opinion, that Headphones are better than "gamingheadsets", at least in most cases.
And that Keyboards are keyboards, no matter if it's a 10€ Cherry or a 150€ Razer/Steelseries keyboard but I cant agree in that case with the mice.
A good gaming mouse simply outperforms the "office mice".
Toxjq just shot 81% rail today with a 400dpi 8 years old office mouse :-(
but that's toxjq :
Didnt say you will "suck" with one of those, I just think that the gaming mice are more accurate, the Steelseries Engine for example is pretty damn nice and can give you a big advantage over "office mice".
You're not making any sense at all
If you are the one making no sense, aren't you the one who should be explaining?

I guess this continues the "you making no sense" trend.
Guess there is nothing to missunderstand when I say, that the accuracy (not neccessarily the in-game acc) of gaming mice is way higher than the one you can get with the office mice, the sensors/lasers are simply better.
The Steelseries engine for example adds a 1000hz pulling rate and several settings to make vertikal move straighter and makes up for "mistakes" you make while pulling the mouse from one side to an other
Even without this explanation your comment was very clear and understandable. No idea what their problem is.
You only ever need more than 400dpi if you're 1) playing a really high sens or 2) playing under a really high ingame resolution. For most ETPlayers even 200dpi should be enough. http://www.upload.ee/files/2324481/dpi_formula.xls.html

Either you get pixel skipping or you don't, there's nothing more accurate inbetween, you can't aim for half a pixel.

Other than that I agree that gaming mice come with nice features such as the 1000hz poling rate, that's it pretty much though and you can achieve that easily with various USB Hz switchers. Also I personally hate any additional software that could interfer with the mouse and windows and prefer not to use any drivers at all (well, the windows drivers are still on.. :)).

About the magic Steelseries Engine: The feature you're explaining is called prediction. Old mice such as the Microsoft ones don't have it. The result is, you can't draw a straight line. I believe even the mx500 already had some prediction which helped you indeed to correct mistakes so you're able to draw that line. However personally (again..) I prefer no prediction and it seems other gamers do as well, as they are putting back the feature to deactivate it into their software.

All in all there is so much to fiddle about with those new fancy gaming mice, you pay a ridiculous amount of money for them, you get absolutely useless features and in the end (at least for ET and similar games) they won't be more accurate (except 1) or 2) apply to you).

On top of that, I have used the Steelseries Xai for a couple of days and noticed quite some positive acceleration on a Puretrak Talent and Google tells me I'm not the only one. The Microsoft mice just work, they seem to be way more reliable and durable than the new mice and they allow perfect control until a certain treshold which won't be reached by most (again, not all!) players.

Gaming mice are better on paper, not necessarily in practice.

I did not want to attack you personally or your choice of mouse, not at all and I'm sorry if you felt like it. Any mouse that you feel comfortable with and makes your aim better is a good mouse obviously. I was just trying to point out that you can get (almost) the same results with a much much cheaper mouse. Also from your first comment I simply had the impression that you just recommend the most expensive mouse there is without any explanation why it should also be the best mouse.
I get your point, what I wrote was simply based on my personal feelings and experience.

I've tried a lot of mice during the last years from all of the brands available, f.e. Razer, Roccat, Logitech, Qpad, Steelseries and Zowie. And of course all kind of "office mice".

And from trying all these, I suggested the Steelseries Sensei because for me, it is the best mouse I've ever head (till now).
for 6years I had the G5, now I bought the G400.. bit lighter but it's fucking awesome - almost exactly the same feeling :) great mouse - go buy that one !
steelseries xai.
Steelseries Sensei or Zowie EC2

choose the shape you like, ambidextrous or not.
I had the same with my G500
Now I have a Aimbot mouse Steelseries Sensei and this as a logo: *POLACKKILAH*
Wow, mouse topic, not spaceship!
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