My lucid dream

I didn't sleep much last night so when I woke up for university to take a shower I was feeling horrible. I decided to go back to sleep for another two hours. When the dream started I soon realized that I was in a lucid dream and could control what I dreamed for the most part. Everything was fine and dandy as I walked through a city at night and like one would expect from a sexually frustrated post-pubescent manboy it soon went something like this. Oddly enough someone I went to school with, but was never close to, was with me, but that is pretty irrelevant. I also punched a man's head off in a superhero-inspired sequence of me saving people from being harrassed.

Shit started to get sour as nightmarish interludes became more and more frequent. The one I remember most clearly was me browsing through the last pornsite before I went to sleep (NSFW), except that all the nasty porn was replaced by highly irritating and frightening videos. One for example, was a metallic looking humanoid lying on an emergency room-esque table while his face being vacuumed and splitting his skull in half. The other, definitely weirder one was in a similar surrounding, except it was tiny, inanimate plastic skeletons that apparently were jizzed on from off screen. Someone then electrocuted these cum soaked, plastic toys and they started to shiver and twist like they are in pain.

Fortunately my phone rang during that, waking me up. It was a lady from my phone company asking me whether I'd like a new contract for my mobile. I was inadvertently rude to her, startled by my experience merely a few seconds ago.

I felt like I had to share it with someone, but I guess it's too weird to tell someone I actually care about, so I'm telling you guys.

Have a nice monday.

image: RZjS0
I love lucid dream's I always control it that I am having sex with 4 girls!:$
at least in your dream you had sex
Hahahahaha True!
Not sure if offensive towards me or towards bAnga...
I didnt read the journal :)
dont you care about us?
didnt u ever heard Michael Jackson ?

funny coz i also had lucid dream this night
Did you had a boner?
she was a part of it if it helps :
image: carlyrae
did you call her maybe?
no need... (:
I call her my fuck chick in my dreams!

My favorite one!
same lol I was a soldier durings a war with old weapons xD
We were 5 friends but at the end I was the only one of the band still alive lololol

I almost felt eff a building, almost get 2 big projectils of a wall being destroyed by a tank in my head but I was fast enough to avoid them :DDD

I also killed 2 or 3 scientists at the end, they were creating some wierd experiences. At the very end when I came off the building to g back home because we won the war, I met other friends and I took their weapons. I only had 2 weapons at the end. The two weapons from cod4 LOL My weapons during the war was the thompson :p Just at the first stage of the last building I had P90.

So after I got my 2 new wepons and the war was over, I just took the subway to go back home xD
Cool, also had one last night, celebrated my birthday with all my friends which is something I've never been able to do before I guess seeing how all of them will most likely never be in one place at the same time, was a highly enjoyable experience.

love the chick
sorry to say you didnt have a lucid dream

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