Because hes pre 6 ganks are fucking terrible and his clearing time is slow compared to god tier junglers. WW is super strong champ but atm hes better when he just gets a solo lane
according to google:
Anthony Gatto - the best technical juggler in the world ever. He specialises in doing high numbers while bouncing a ball on his head. He holds about half of the juggling world records and probably will for a long time. Unfortunately, to get as good at juggling as he has, Anthony has sacrificed his personality to the devil. Currently reaping in big bucks in Vegas.
Jason Garfield - has a peculiar attitude which runs a bit like this: "I'M THE BEST JUGGLER IN THE WORLD AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT, PUNK!" Fortunately, this is all in good humour and he can actually back it up by the fact that he is one of the best jugglers in the world. Currently on a big cruise ship, reaping in big bucks, or making a new video called something like "You're all crap at juggling compared to me!"
Michael Moschen - invented contact juggling, or near enough. He was David Bowies hand in the film "The Labyrinth" and therefore the most famous of all jugglers. Currently not teaching anyone how to do his new juggling tricks.
Fransis Brunn - was a fantastic juggler a good few years ago. While many jugglers have learnt his tricks and ripped him off, nobody has his class. Currently retired, living in a New York apartment with a live-in lover.
Sergi Ignatov - a Russian juggler who makes most other people feel slightly humble. Considered one of the greatest jugglers which is probably justified by his performances of 11 ring juggling. Currently retiring slowly... not sure where. Not to be confused with Sergey Ignatov, his son.
Enrico Rastelli - long dead but remembered. He didn't like the cascade pattern so juggled 5 rings with 3 in one hand and 2 in the other. Way ahead of his time in terms of juggling skill. Currently in a tomb in Italy somewhere.
Boppo - Bruce Tiemann, inventor of siteswap, a mathematical juggling notation system (see below). Doesn't perform but could wipe the floor with most jugglers who do. Currently not juggling so much, concentrating on more important things like being a doctor.
Ben Beever - a relatively unknown juggler from Manchester, UK. He doesn't juggle anything but little beanbags but can consistently juggle more of them than anyone else. An authority on siteswaps and mathematical juggling and has written a book on it. Currently working with statistics in an office somewhere and waiting for a new set of tiny beanbags so he can work on flashing 13.
tried udyr, i was not good enough for gank ( didnt play much with him :d )
tried fiddlestick, seems harder for me
tried hecarim, failed
tried jax, at first its hard then it was "okay"
Too open question. Best at ganks or jungling speed or later at game too or overall?
Anyway, good junglers are: Udyr, lee sin, mundo, shyvana, maokai, nocturne, trundle, shaco, skarner, cho gath, alistar, jarvan, malphite, nautilus, rammus, amumu, olaf, ww.
Ofc there are more but those came up to my mind now and are able to be usefull to team.
shyvana if lanes got very high cc, else pretty much useless - bersides you wanna focus on counterjungling and enemy jungler is very jungle dependent
else udyr, lee, naut, mao, mumu, ali
If you don't succeed in early game (at least 1-2 kills or a fast drake) you basically lost the game. Shaco is a different set of mind, his great strengh is to presure all lanes at time because of his high mobility and strong ganks.
Oh wait.
3 minotaurs gonna fuck you up
Easy bash.
As a champion I'd say : Warwick
e : shaco fiddle fuckin op
nice joke
Anthony Gatto - the best technical juggler in the world ever. He specialises in doing high numbers while bouncing a ball on his head. He holds about half of the juggling world records and probably will for a long time. Unfortunately, to get as good at juggling as he has, Anthony has sacrificed his personality to the devil. Currently reaping in big bucks in Vegas.
Jason Garfield - has a peculiar attitude which runs a bit like this: "I'M THE BEST JUGGLER IN THE WORLD AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT, PUNK!" Fortunately, this is all in good humour and he can actually back it up by the fact that he is one of the best jugglers in the world. Currently on a big cruise ship, reaping in big bucks, or making a new video called something like "You're all crap at juggling compared to me!"
Michael Moschen - invented contact juggling, or near enough. He was David Bowies hand in the film "The Labyrinth" and therefore the most famous of all jugglers. Currently not teaching anyone how to do his new juggling tricks.
Fransis Brunn - was a fantastic juggler a good few years ago. While many jugglers have learnt his tricks and ripped him off, nobody has his class. Currently retired, living in a New York apartment with a live-in lover.
Sergi Ignatov - a Russian juggler who makes most other people feel slightly humble. Considered one of the greatest jugglers which is probably justified by his performances of 11 ring juggling. Currently retiring slowly... not sure where. Not to be confused with Sergey Ignatov, his son.
Enrico Rastelli - long dead but remembered. He didn't like the cascade pattern so juggled 5 rings with 3 in one hand and 2 in the other. Way ahead of his time in terms of juggling skill. Currently in a tomb in Italy somewhere.
Boppo - Bruce Tiemann, inventor of siteswap, a mathematical juggling notation system (see below). Doesn't perform but could wipe the floor with most jugglers who do. Currently not juggling so much, concentrating on more important things like being a doctor.
Ben Beever - a relatively unknown juggler from Manchester, UK. He doesn't juggle anything but little beanbags but can consistently juggle more of them than anyone else. An authority on siteswaps and mathematical juggling and has written a book on it. Currently working with statistics in an office somewhere and waiting for a new set of tiny beanbags so he can work on flashing 13.
I also enjoy the Egzibitx 9gag meme like I enjoy Barcelona (been a fan since 09).
So few people still play him but he's so damn strong.
also unspeakable horror's range got decreased to some funny value ;<
If you don't get fed as noc early you're doing it wrong, that's kind of it.
tried udyr, i was not good enough for gank ( didnt play much with him :d )
tried fiddlestick, seems harder for me
tried hecarim, failed
tried jax, at first its hard then it was "okay"
sinon ui j avais vu des guid en solo top, vu qu il se heal sa peut etre easy
mundo for just being awesome LOLZ
Anyway, good junglers are: Udyr, lee sin, mundo, shyvana, maokai, nocturne, trundle, shaco, skarner, cho gath, alistar, jarvan, malphite, nautilus, rammus, amumu, olaf, ww.
Ofc there are more but those came up to my mind now and are able to be usefull to team.
Oh wait. shit game sorry, when you wanna play a decent game open another journal
else udyr, lee, naut, mao, mumu, ali
Good ganks , good in teamfights, can be both protective and offensive.
as a player: snoopeh/saintvicious
If I had to pick 3 it would be leesin, shyv and mundo
i mean its just insta blue then insta firstB at enemy wraiths, yeah seems hard.
Dnno in what bracket and server you are playing but it aint even considered , as a real pick ~1700 and above
tried shaco and failed so hard to play it while I don't think I'm such a bad player (ofc I'm quite new to the game, just popped 30)
my list:
most useless junglers:
most useless jungler imo -> Fiora
but agree with YI and trynda
like Jarvan also