Stuff that makes u rage in LoL.
8 May 2012, 08:58
Greetings LoL enthusiasts and "shit game/HoN>DoTa>LoL>" guys!
So, what makes you rage in LoL?
In champion select:
In general instalocks of: Twitch/Eve/Jax/Trynda/Yi
"I go ap yi mid" - Feeds everything
"Solo top or feed" - Gets solo top, still feeds
"I can't support!" - Lies, everybody can
"jungler never ganks" - U know why
"-insert random champ here- so OP" - Nope you're just bad.
And especially wrong builds, yesterday i had a hybrid miss fortune and i supported her.
So, what makes you rage in LoL?
In champion select:
In general instalocks of: Twitch/Eve/Jax/Trynda/Yi
"I go ap yi mid" - Feeds everything
"Solo top or feed" - Gets solo top, still feeds
"I can't support!" - Lies, everybody can
"jungler never ganks" - U know why
"-insert random champ here- so OP" - Nope you're just bad.
And especially wrong builds, yesterday i had a hybrid miss fortune and i supported her.
so retarded, they way they usually play makes me want to falcon punch their mom
The only thing that makes me really rage is people that just don't know how to play the game.... even in ranked, how can people be so stupid!!!! LOL
randomguy: im ad bot
*randomguy picks graves*
*5 seconds before start*
randomguy: first time graves
in ranked? really?
Some people just wanna watch the world burn!
die cause they suck, blame the jungler
ping for objectives, hunt the last enemy champion to nexus turret.
but actually, it depend on the champ i got.
eventho i aint playing ranked games already.
add me : nicolahBE
still pretty stupid from that other team to go all the way into enemy jungle.
still getting away from blitzcrank, rammus and irelia is not easy!
Do they expect something else?
well he didnt troll me but the jungler.
he said , ok bro take support and i change with you
he takes support,and then he is like ooooooo we got support , thanks bro and he didnt want to change
so as a result in order to trying not to loose this ranked i changed with him
and therefore, those lil pricks started laughing when i began to rage about that
i still lost it.... dat lee sin
but this makes me
-saying <insert random champ here> is op
-blaming support
-playing shaco/twitch/eve and feed like hell