Tzac problem (i got tzaced)

I've been tzaced hard this time,

I get really weird lagspikes (just as when i used punkbuster)
alot of freezing, and the old oasis bug on radar when i get kicked every round (hunk_allocate something

Anyone else got tzac problems?

I dident do anything with my computer only downloaded tzac and now its almost unplayable (i did restart ET removed pb and tried to see if it worked was amazing suprise i was rolling again then someone told me to use tzac *FAIL* it dident load that time so its not not my computer its clearly something with my computer togheter with tzac

ANY way of solving this problem and i love you! cheers
No problem with tzac now... Sometime little fps drops but it´s 3-4 sec over 1 round MAX
I also have it when I'm playing not full screen.
Delete all the .dll files in etpro. Verified working solution.
friend of mine had problems even after the second update, try removing (or renaming if you would like to keep it) your PB folder
Hunk_allocate is the allowed graphic memory for the game, if a server kicks you for that try setting your value higher.

i use: /com_hunkmegs 128 , then just do /vid_restart

should fix the Hunk_allocate memory error.
Heard that Germanyspecula has solution for this but its hidden in his nazi bunker.
delete pb folder, helped to get rid of the lagspikes in my case..
delete pb folder noob :P
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