amd bulldozer freezes?

Hey guys,

I got some weird problems with my AMD FX-8120 (at least I think it's coming from it)! I have this for 3 weeks now (since I built the computer)

It freezes about 2-3 times within ten minutes, usually not more than 2-3 seconds. Everything goes veeery slow at those and the sound sounds like a reaper that is prepairing to attack (if you played mass effect you know what I mean).

I had it clocked to 4,5 GHz per core (reaching 46 c° after 2 hours of stresstest), but underclocked it down to the standard (3,1 GHz with 3,89 GHz turbo boost). Still nothing changed :S

At building in the cpu I managed to not have given it correctly into the socket and all the pins were bent due to the cooler. It took me 5 hours to put em into the correct position again, but it works now. Could this be the reason for the freezes/lags?

Could there also be another reason for the freezes? Any other hardware? Setup in my profile!

Thanks for help in advance!
lol @ pins, had that too with an xp-m 2600+ cuz the idiot i bought it from sent it in an enveloppe without any protection!

Anyway, not sure if the CPU even causes that, run prime and see if it gives you errors? I think it could be your memory also, maybe timings too tight ;x
I already did multiple stresstests, the freezes didn't come more often... what do you mean by timings too tight? :p
memory timings? like CAS (cl), TRAS and all that shit, dont know them all, but i do know that having them set wrong (or even, if you have some special memory kit meant to overclock or whatever, they dont even work if you have them on automatic ^^) will fuckup things

or, small chance, you have 1.65V memory but only got it running on 1.5V?
The memory is deffinitely running on 1.5V, how to figure out how much it should run on?

Edit: 1.5V is the standart for corsair vengance kits
Corsair normally has it printed on the sticker @ mem sticks ^^

Heh yer also got vengeance here. Also got an XMS kit in my old pc which my brother has now, and he also had the freezing issue with the fucked up sound and stuff.
I googled for that and found out that you had to set it to corsair's "predefined" timings instead of auto, because it might sometimes use different timings when having them on auto. So if your kit (should also display the timings on the memory stick) needs for example 9-9-9-15 you have to set it to that also. Until now this is working fine for him, could ofc. not be the cause and still have the same problems tonight xD

Apart of this I can't say that your CPU just isn't broken.. Can't know without trying the same one without fucked up pins :X
amd says all

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 4000+

my pc is 6 years old tho ;) would never buy amd nowdays
AMD USED TO BE GOOD. but now they failed with faildozer :)
still they doin great job with trinity
Quote3 weeks now (since I built the cp)

Probably from the bulldozer, dont think ive heard anything good about the bulldozer series
The problem is your timings as per Hells comments above. Heard of a bottle neck? You got one!
Which one should I buy?

AMD FX-series Eight core FX-8120/AM3+ 3.10GHz 16MB 125W
AMD FX-series Six core FX-6200/AM3+ 3.80GHz 14MB 125W

or this?:O
get ivy bridge or the older core i5 series like 2500k or 2700k.. bulldozer is a waste of money nowadays
No, waste off money is buying TS3 servers for you people!
XD, doesnt matter if u got money. core i5 is way better then the buldozer.. thats the reason that i will move to coire i5/i7 series for my next pc build
Look, my gamings gear is gonna be AMD.
I am a AMD User sorry.
But I am gonna buy this laptop.
Just look at the inside
but intel is so much better atm :S
nice lappy btw
why would you buy commercial ts3 servers to use them non commercially? it's what they give free licenses for..

nice topic hijack also :p
No, I own a VPS, teamspeak 3.0.5 version
The server by it self is already cracked by SONOFEVIL from CWG.
And I am running now 4 ts servers ;(
And why would you crack ts3 when you can get licenses for free... :D

Seriously, I mean, you run 4 TS servers, I'm pretttttttty sure that you dont need unlimited, or more than 512 slots for these 4 servers, so you're good with 1 non-commercial 512 slot license which allows you to run 10 virtual ts3 servers..
You need to refresh those license every year and I'm lazy XD
Heh thanks for mentioning that LOL, I got mine in May last year I think, because I first requested it for eseries, then it's about to expire I guess xD
If you want I can ask this guy for you to crack it?:P
It will be extended for another year if the server is online so no need to worry.
Got money a lot so!
Buy ivybridge
QuoteAt building in the cpu I managed to not have given it correctly into the socket and all the pins were bent due to the cooler

You broke your shit. My advice is that you stay far away from hardware and especially overclocking.
hahahahahahhahaha so true
agreed lol
QuoteAt building in the cpu I managed to not have given it correctly into the socket and all the pins were bent due to the cooler. It took me 5 hours to put em into the correct position again, but it works now. Could this be the reason for the freezes/lags?

Could there also be another reason for the freezes? Any other hardware? Setup in my profile!


But I got sometimes same things on my i5, maybe some viruses - I don't really care about av
Estoniabulldozer & Estoniafreeze?
could be the graphic card driver too.
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