Twitter hacked

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Today anonymous hackers leaked more than 55.000 hacked twitter accounts username and password through Pastebin. It was very shocking to see such a massive number of Twitter accounts are hacked. Also celebrity accounts are hacked.

'The micro blogging platform is aware of this hack and was taking necessary actions to save those people’s account from malicious activity', said a Twitter insider.

It was huge, 55.000+ accounts has been hacked and it wasn’t possible to share such a huge pile of usernames and passwords in a single paste. So it took the hackers five Pastebin pages to leak the data. This hack is just an alert to other millions of Twitter users that they could be hacked anytime.

Unbelievable that Twitter isn’t taking any necessary steps to keep its users data safe. Even after encountering a huge number of hacks in the past including celebrities account. All they need to do is to add a password strength checker during signup while changing passwords. And guide the users to create a strong password. That could save a lot of users frustration.

To check if your account is hacked, go through this five Pastebin pages ( page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | page 5 ) and to find your account easily just by using the find feature in your browser (CTRL+F) and type your email id.

QuoteAll they need to do is to add a password strength checker during signup while changing passwords.

Password strength is not the issue as you can see from the leaked passwords.
So they either save unencrypted pws in their db (big nono) or the attackers managed to inject code into the login procedure
no way for unencrypted pws, every non-experienced coder is encrypting password in his databse:D
you'd think that, yet there are people out there who don't (see recent 'hack scandals' ^^) and if not plain text still badly encrypted or just hashed and not altered

plus i can only hope that they have a system to monitor/prevent bruteforce attempts
i'd also opt for injection instead.
Doubtful they actually hacked something and only managed to get 55k passwords out of it. Probably got them by fishing or something.
The passwords seem to be computer generated. I don't think these are "normal" accounts.
the first page, yeah, but check the second page. stuff like "basketbol" and 111111234 and whatnot
at first i thought those were all spam accs too, but just what zeddd said, later thre are also accounts with more common IDs and passwords ;)
I'm not in :D
me neither, totally fameless :<
Me neither. I will never have any funny tweets unless someone hacks my account :<
true that :(
Actually twitter is taking steps to keep our data safe. My account also got hacked ( and yes, I have a strong password ) but twitter quickly blocked the unauthorized access to my account.

I think its far more likely that these accounts filled in their twitter information on some malicious twitter 'service'..
Yeah I doubt it's a hacked database, probably just some malware or a phishing site.
Wwhhahahaha my password was changed of my twitter account to.
I created a new password This guy was so stupid that he didn't changed my email address!
dont have twitter ;D
Problem with this leak is that a lot of people use the same password for their Hotmail/gmail accounts as well
facebook and so on
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