good woman driver yes/no?

sad to watch if someone is so bad at driving :P

no without watching 8D
Wow! I've heard about 3D but 8D is a whole new dimension for me!
i hope you're writing like that on purpose
...aaawfull drivers
You just kinda joined the club.
they allways troll like that
I just think of them as stupid, so then it won't really matter to me if they are trolling or not:)
you didn't see what I did there?
I don't think you see what I did there.
jeg elsker deg
my dad works for a Norwegian cycling team, sparebanke vest/oster hus, you know it?

Going to stavanger next week for 3rd time, I like Norway :D
Sparebanken Vest? I didn't know they had a cycling team, but I know the Bank itself. And by "Oster Hus" I assume it is "Øster Hus"? But I googled it, and looks like a broker company of some sort?

I have never been to Stavanger myself, I live in Oslo. For obvious reasons the only place worth living, but Norway is a nice country:))
ye, wouldn't know how to write that special O.

Been to Christiansand aswell, both kinda calm, lot of fjords etc, not many people, but really nice to see

is Oslo nice? Might make a trip to it this summer
Don't wanna be calling it Christiansand, but Kristiansand. With Ch it is the danish version, not too happy with that;) Nice city though.

Tbh, visiting Oslo could be a little shit. Not too much to do here like if you're on holidays, if you know what I mean. But living here is quite awesome. It depends on what you're looking for really.
oh ye forgot, we took the boat between both :P

so it wouldn't really be worth a citytrip? (as in visiting, shopping, party hard?)
There are some things worth seeing of course, but don't expect something big like from the most attractive tourist cities. For shopping in Norway, Oslo is the place to be obviously, but it's expensive. Partying is good, not too sure about how it is during the summer though. Many tend to go abroad to party during the summer, while many (especially from the Oslo region) travel to southern Norway in pretty much every medium sized town all along the coast line you can find to their cabins and party there. I recon the night life is fairly decent in Oslo during the summer as well though;)
k, might make a trip to there then, already got a 'hut' (or however you call it in Norway, which would be a villa or huge house here in Belgium) to stay at near Stavanger, so then I'll find out a way to get to Oslo and search a cheap hotel or some place to stay with some m8s :P

thanks for the infos :D
That sounds nice, ye hut or cabin. It's loaded with them pretty much all the way from Oslo to Stavanger really, haha. But ye, sounds like a plan. Stavanger is a big city (in Norway), so the partying should be quite nice there as well I guess. The best way to get there from Stavanger is by train, but it's very expensive. Alternatively you can bus over for half the price I think.

Np, you can get something useful out of cf sometimes as well;)
might wanna move to there in the future aswell
He isn't. He can't even spell "Belgium" properly.

they're very bad, very very very bad
rofl, how come she got her driving license
No idea, rofl
boring journal
Steering while reversing must be that hard!
just think, there is a guy that needs to live with that. ( Judging from it having a kid + second car )
i think he had something on his mind with installing that security cam.
good god...
I don't get that picture? :/ Anyone care to explain it to me?
Benny Hill makes everything funny.
it's pretty annoying to be honest
dear lord :D
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