ET problemmm

hei all!

I got really weird problem with my ET since yesterday. So when i connect to a server and if try to join, my game crashes - without any warning window or better say specified problem... If i stay in spectator does not happen nothing...

Last day i asked Dabster about Tzac, bcoz haven't tried before him the new version, and he propose me to follow the instruction on Tzac webpage and also delete the pb folder from et main folder... but I kepped it in recycle bin and was working... yesterday i discharged it by mistake...

(this is just an option why it's not workinh, i don't even know, if that should be a real problem)

Looking forward for your help!
does this only happen with tzac?

because tzac sucks and has alot of bugs causing blue screen and what not, just saying
hmmm... you know, that i didn't even try without tzac! possible connect to any server without tzac right?
yeah try hirntot servers, theyre without tzac (think its or smth as ip)
lol, even if try to host server.... if i join in alies/axis it crashes.... if i stay in spec.. is it ok...

damn, i don't understand it.
oh hm then im not sure whats going on unfortunately

tried reinstalling ET? :p
yeh, i will do it, coz no solution was good.
nerd stop playing games
at least et aye :D?

have you heard or tried mephedrone? getting high on it each weekend bro, feels addictive man(somehow ONLY when ur drinking alcohol)

tell me <3
yeah there are (or at least were) loads of people snorting it. personally haven't tried because am not really into drugs anymore apart from mj

i can say that it seems pretty destructive (even more than other powders?) when it comes to often usage. i mean - lot of people who have been taking heavy shit for years (w/o consequences) couldn't handle their lifes anymore after couple of months with mephedrone.

i think you should keep with old good coke and young dirty bitches and stay away from this recent stuff ;D
by often you mean each day two? or like me, weekends?

its so damn cheap and fun fuck me

heard same story from other people about stopping dat shit, but hey

haven't heard a guy who would recommend or say it's the best stuff bro, keep using it


sounds kinda awkward, doesn't it x)
yea i meant each day or two, still i wouldn't say that snorting during weekends only solves everything ;d

usually friends want you to make a good choice, even when they're doing the opposite so no wonder why you haven't heard anything good about meph yet. the only ones who would recommend that, are people who make or sell on a big scale so yea, not worth it.

also there's no such a thing as best stuff. as we all know, every single drug takes you somewhat down, more or less quickly - so don't overextend because its wrong not only in HoN C:
very good point

thanks man ill keep that in mind
cg_gun_frame 0
i got a script to enable/disable it... :/

// [ gun_frame script ].

bind g "vstr frame"

set frame "vstr frame1"
set frame1 "cg_gun_frame 1; set frame vstr frame2;echo ^3GUN FRAME ON"
set frame2 "cg_gun_frame 0; set frame vstr frame1;echo ^6GUN FRAME OFF"
Just play without..

if you really can't play without:

b_endround "cg_gun_frame 0"
b_beginround "cg_gun_frame 17"

the game crashes if cg_gun_frame is not on 0 when loading the gun.
true, keep it on 0 otherwise it crashes! was same for me when i pressed some button tho i dont even use it normally ... its shit anyways and just useless
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