Well I haven't played a single war or scrim since January, I'm only pubbing occasionally, which I can't even do atm cuz NBS and BiO both got the addon installed. This is ridiculous I can't be the only one with this problem, I read that many XP users got this issue, yet there still isn't a fix for that. Only managed it to get it to work once, ever since then I just get disconnected. Would be really grateful if chaplja fixes this problem or atleast give me some tutorial to get it to work. :|
Edit: Now it works after having disabled antivir, whereas it didn't work yesterday when I did the same, this is so random ":D"
still not too sure i want to use this buggy driver though :s
also not sure if mind reads the news section :s
but don't you admire my visionary abilities?
Edit: Now it works after having disabled antivir, whereas it didn't work yesterday when I did the same, this is so random ":D"
eac too
Still better then tzac tho :)