thursday - the best of days

good day people. had a working week so far. had to write 2 seminars of 30 pages each + power point presentations. it was really fucked up. don't remember the last time I spent so much time staring at my laptop. and the topics as u can imagine were awesome as well "integer linear optimization" and "multiobjective analysis".

also had a presentation in my english course. my presentation was awesome and I spoke everything from my head, but the bitch said my body language wasn't good. I seemed uninterested at the topic, also smiled a lot and did stuff with my hands too much. she gave me a B. motherfucking bitch. now I'll have B in english grrrrrr.

anyways, today I'm free the whole day. and there's a big campus party. u bring your own booze and drink in front of the dorm. ofc the music, food it's all organised. there will be around 1000 people there. particulary looking forward to seeing lot's of my uni friends and acquaintances drunk, coz they don't party and drink so often. so that's gonna be fun :)

what are u doing today?

image: 9k1mkx
ugly feet
2/10 would not fuck - hypocrite.
I know, just horrible
She has a condition where the veins are more prominent on her feet/ankles. It's not her fault : ---- )
was about to say the same
Make sure she has socks on when having sexy time, problem solved
high heels u mean ;)
Pumps dan, met de meest high heels zie je dr voeten nog steeds helemaal ;-D Hoe gaat t met sporten knul?
goood, van jou?
Prima, ben nu bezig met een lager vetpercentage te krijgen. Geen alcohol drinken helpt al veel haha
Gonna play some HoN and GTA IV until my clothes get out of the washing machine, then gonna cook with my GF, eat and shit, a bit later some football with my mates and to top off the evening a few beers and the first season of Joey!
Work till 17ish, then home, few hours of something, after that hockey,

image: suomen-lippu


image: flag_clipart_white

Maybe Hevimesta later at evening.
You mad cause u got a B? i would cry of happiness if i got a B in English(as u can see my english sucks) :D
Isnt a C+ enough? :D
E for me and im happy :D
had a student party yesterday, dying a bit.
play a game of LoL, eat, do laundry, clean my room, study, cancel dinner plans, study, play LoL, watch series, forget to do dishes
Thats why you do the dishes right after eating everytime!
one dish for the whole week.
eating, cleaning, eating, cleaning....
Ha, I should, but after I eat, I always try to enjoy the moment and just sit still for half an hour atleast :P
spremam se za drzavno iz eng
makarska \o/
svaka cast petre. razbij picku svim tim streberima ;)
Knee physical rehabilitaion
ur such a faggot for playing baseball

Try cricket
woked up, worked hard.
going to a meeting with bosses of other companies later on together with my boss and co-worker. then party hard with old men and free drinks/dinner.
Keine praccen heute du sagt?
woke up 5.30 --> work 7.00-15.00 --> gonna buy new refrigerator soon --> 20.15 fin - fra icehockeymatch --> time to sleep @22.??
I've just came back from the gym. Two hours of back/shoulders training, beast mode.

Had a free day from school, the teachers had some kinda study day, dont know why tho :p

Ordered a ticket for Solar, its a festival here in the Netherlands, going to be great I guess!

Got to work at 20:45 till 23:00 tonight tho :{
finished school about 11, gym, pot noodle, et, pot noodle, chill, curry, do something productive like school work, sleep
I had 6 hours of civil law today. I first thought I would feel destroyed but our teacher deleted almost half of the exam question for June so I decided to.. get drunk to celebrate this awesome news even though I'm already back because I've to wake up early tomorrow.
It has been a great day. I ate two dürüm, drank beers & spent some time with my friends which is the perfect mix for a perfect day.
Exams are really going to fuck everything up, one more time.. I wish we could add one more unit to the months so that I would only have one remaining exam...
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