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continued from

also EstoniaHing is gay, he even failed the gay test


Axe can also be used as a machete although it won't be as good
Axe can also be used as a weapon
Fire deters predators/keeps you warm
Clean water > won't get raped by parasites and stuff
So, what about food?
B, far superior than the rest.
C for the other journal.
how will you survive if you get bitten/crippled ?!?!

no medcit bro = slow death
Natural remedies (plants/herbs) on the island ofc! :))
Why is B far superior to the rest?
because of the firestarter, fire is the most important, also for food etc
there are other ways to make fire? Fire is most important, only for food.
well, the water purifying pills are virtually useless when paired with the fire starter, since a fire easily allows one to boil the water and purify it that way

and while the axe may be more useful for tree removal and such, the machete is much more versatile and the weapon that I personally would prefer in combat with an actual dinosaur (:D)
The pills are more useful for day to day stuff, fire attracts the prey and thus not very good at times and takes longer to set a fire and wait for the water to boil! The axe can be used as a weapon just as much as the machete, but axe better for setting up camp, getting through places and also protection :Pp For C you wouldn't need the rope as you could make your own/use vines, as much as the book would be useful it's not necessary and could get wet/damaged ":D" for A the rifle could just be annoying to carry around due to excess weight and you don't even know where the ammo is exactly and takes time to reload, the medikit is the only useful thing there but it'll soon run out if you use 'em and should have had your flu injections and malaria stuff done before going :_D
B for Barcelona
sniping rifle duh

cuz imma fucking bear grylls bro

tho he doesnt need a sniping rifle..

so i guess B, eating fish and having water + a tomahawk (or is it an axe?)
doesnt matter,wont survive 3 years on that island anyway
im not saying only i wouldnt survive,but more like nobody would survive because chances are you get killed when searching for food every fucking day for 3 years
C so i can hang myself

since i always wanted to killa t-rex with a knife
I would rather have a Wilson football than any of them things...
C, knowledge is power, you can make fire from anything and there are ways to start it if you know them.
Machete is a weapon, and handy for anything.
Rope is needed to get you up and down high stuff (eg, i will never set up camp on the floor)
Sas book will tell you how to survive, it's like bringing Bear Gryllis
a machete is useless as a weapon, and you can do pretty much the same with a knife.
Why would you want to get "up and down high stuff"? And how are you gonna make shelter up high with only 3 meters of rope? You will need more, and there are good substitutes for a rope. I don't believe that the book can help you out much either.
B, it's hard 2 survive without water :DDD
Obviously there is drinkable water on that island already..why bother picking those water purifying pills?
SAS book nice read, would recommend.
A for both journals.
i would not need any of these, would use my special techniques.
no strafe irl sorry man
C -The book for toilettpaper and the rope for building a float to escape the island
not gonna do much with book

rope not long enough

dont want the water things, that stupid to have those and a fire starter..

want machete

ill take the machete from c, firestarter from b, and the medkit from a.
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