Goku attending nevertheless

According to my previous journal, I wasn't sure if it would be possible for me to go to LAN.

But now, I'm back from the interim office, and I found out that I don't have to work on the 2nd and the 3rd of June, so I will be attending!

Book your flights, your hotels, your weekend, 'cause Goku is coming to LAN!! Yueaaaaaaaaaah!!!

No chicks because it's not safe for CF

Shoutout to whoever I'm going to see there x
image: 4092714_460s
hahaha yes I am booking the barber shop already for you
every lan needs a crazy jamaican :o)
*nigger :XD
great -__-
... ok m8 ok
Good to know... Will be the first time in years I actually lock the doors
so u gonna stay at amsterdam afterwards? I would like to stay till like 7th of june or smth!
I can't tell that yet, unfortunately..
Most likely I will have to work the following monday, but as I work in shifts, I might start the week on tuesday or wednesday you see.. :/

I will let you know asap mate.. Whoelse do you have to hang out with?
aren't drugs and bitches enough to have fun with, even alone?
ok, not sure yet who are gonna stay :O
maak een gek filmpje als je daar bent :D
cu there.
mind will fucking stomp you
Why don't you come mate? :)
gg ET is death
Every time you post a 9fag pic I lose a bit more respect for that person
I like to give people a second chance though, some people get tricked and lured in and shit
"everytime" because I do this the whole fucking time yeah :)
I'm not saying you are, I'm saying each time you do it ;)
some ET players should borrow the tent from him
As a student song says: "I FUCK THE STIB AND THE SNCB!"
Missed two trains because of my delayed tram and becaused of the sncb's incompetence. Fuck off! So mad atm.. So mad.. This is madness OMGSHITWTFBBQROFLMADKIDGETSKILLLOWRETARDEATSHIT
why would you fuck Netherlandsstib?
Shit, now I have goku in my team :@

u wont be long there after i beat u up :*
See ya there brotha

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