dubstep journal #999

hi guys.. and girls ofc. do u like dubstep?

not a mainstream shit like Skrillex but a retarded shit thats not even on the market yet :D so this is the deal i am helping my real life mate to promote his music. He allready got few thousend subscribers but i want to show u guys his music if u r interessed :) he calls him self mindfuck3r and to be honest im all in this "mainstream" shit and ye i like skrillex but i like his music aswell.. the subbase in his songs is the SHIZNITZ!


check it out and please give him a feedback on what he is doing :)

thx in advance.

image: Melanie-Iglesias4
skipped thru the track, its a bit boring to listen to.

But overall the quality is nice
photoshop is strong in this one
she looks like the girl from guy code on mtv :d
it's ok.. i'm not going above that
melanie iglesias <3
knew i recognize her from somewhere :D
best track i've heard this year so far
thx sin ;p
unfortunately dubstep is dead
dubstep sucks
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