Mothers day (.fi)

Is tomorrow, at least here in Finland Finland, I guess somewhere else too.

Any plans for it? My family shall celebrate it today because of tomorrows F1 & Hockey. Nothing big though, just a family dinner and get together.

But I kinda have a problem, I haven't got a present yet. I have been trying to get a tomato-tree so she could plant it on her yard, but those aren't available yet here, something about too cold bla bla. Nor are any other similar plants.

So I am now trying to decide between some gardening stuff (will go to market soon, not really sure what I am looking for), kitchen-thingies, ie. new blender or what not or what?

Any ideas? Are you going to buy anything or what are your plans?

Happy saturday!

image: 975442243

For some reason youtube isn't working, the search-thingie. So here is something from it's frontpage Nevermind, just shit there.
fakeboobs everywhere

buy your mom fakeboobs
I'll give a rare phonecall. Should be enuff.
osta kaljaa

joku paska levy (paska lahja)
joku paska kirja (paska lahja)
joku lapsuusajasta tuttu systeemi
Ostin piikkimaton vuosi vai kaks sitten :/ Eikä se ala sauvakävelemään, niin typerännäköistä kuulemma.
jotain Iittala-systeemejä tai muita astioita joissa nimi maksaa
etit jonku erikoisliikkeen ja ostat sielt jotain herätteenä
Tyhmänä se piettää jos jotain nimi-hinta-roinaa sille vien :D
fiksu mamma
Mother's day tomorrow in Germany also. Get your mother some alcohol! :D party with her then :)
Meh, she isn't a drinker.
Osta sille jotain hyödyllistä tai vie se johonki raflaa
bought her a nice plant for the living room (small palm). she rly liked it :>
buy her a dildo
Good idea unfo. Who let you back in?
They need to let me in,to come back in?Dude...I m The One,i can come back in no matter what you do.I m sure that if u are administrator on this website u know that much,that your bans,even if are ip related can be bypassed with the right software.Is just a matter of time and mood from me if i wanna do this or not,and that also depends on how much u want me out.Cause the more you want me out,the more i want in.I actually enjoy a lot doing this.
makes you a prick, dont you think?

fucking internet-ninja really :---_DDDDDDd
i m no more prick than you and half of ppl i met here are.

and no is not making me a prick,just a guy who fights back the corrupted system.cause it is corrupted.
I dont really hate anyone on this site for real except you. All the cu@lan and Heil Hitler shit i throw here sometimes are not serious. But my hate towards you is so great that i would prolly smash your skull for real if we would ever meet in real life :)))

best regards, good guy mana.
well than no one on this website is really stupid and delusional you probably would try to brake my skull or what ever but ,if u would not be that stupid as i think u are,u would first think before open your mouth and make threats on ppl u dont know or never met.

anyway nice speech bro.

image: 14l58wm

"Over the last few months, the amount of haters and online trolls I have attracted has increased exponentially. They are everywhere—on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Blogs, Online forums, and the worst—YouTube (I swear, half the things people say there…).

To be quite honest, I used to take a lot of these hateful things to heart—and it still does sting pretty hard time-to-time. Growing up, I always took criticism very personally—but through my experiences on the blog and my online social presence has helped me overcome (mostly) all of this haterade people on the internet love to drink.

For this post I will talk about a bit of my experience with haters on the internet, and some advice I would give to anyone else dealing with online trolls whose sole mission in life is to make you feel like crap (while they are still living in the basement of their parents’ house).

How to deal with haters

1. Love your haters

Wait—wait—love the haters? What do you mean?

If there’s anything I learned from Jesus—is that he had a ton of haters. A ton. I mean, the guy (although adored by many) was eventually crucified by those he was preaching to help out. Let’s also take Ghandi for instance—arguably one of the holiest man was assassinated by a hater—although he did nothing but spread positive messages and preached for peaceful uprisings against the British.

However both Jesus and Ghandi told us to not lash back at our haters with hate, but outpour feelings of love toward them.

Imagine if you are a hater and you put on some anonymous name like “Yousuck123” and your email address is “[email protected]”. Imagine leaving a nasty comment to someone (trying to get them to respond in a negative way) and then having the person leave back a calm and supportive message back. You end up failing as a hater, and probably feeling a bit guilty about yourself and start wondering what you are doing in your life.

If you retaliate hate with more hate, you are only devouring a part in your soul which will make you more negative. Spread love and positivity—and you won’t let the haters get to you.

2. Realize haters gonna hate

In life, there are always going to be haters. You are going to get haters at work, haters at school, haters in your family, haters amongst your friends—haters, haters, haters.

But realize that with the internet, people don’t hate more—but they do it with the false impression that they can do it anonymously without any sort of repercussions.

Haters gotta realize that often times what goes around—comes around. I do believe a lot in karma—that if you treat others negatively, you are going to get screwed in the end. The same as what Jesus preached with the “golden rule”—do onto others as you would like done to yourself.

3. Ignore them

When you have online trolls, they want you to feel like crap (as the haters themselves are probably very insecure about themselves). However if you simply ignore them—they feel frustrated as you have nothing to feed them with—and they will simply frown, mope, and crawl back to the cave they came back from.

I believe there are times in which you should directly address trolls (such as if they say something blatantly false about yourself) – but most of the time just learn to ignore them. If they are spending their precious time to be some internet tough guy or bully, they either must really adore you, have some jealous feelings toward you, or simply have nothing better to do (quite sad!)."

This you should read many many many times before sleep,at least for the next 365 days of your life.
xD unfo strikes again with his hilarious comments!
i dont strike anything that s the point ,that sadly no1 here see that,or they pretend that they dont see it.i just speak up my mind.another day another hater,life goes on.
you are very retarded
and u are at the bottom of food chain that means u are irrelevant and pathetic.
My mum loves all kinds of trinkets for the garden (image: 30k6eq1), so we got her some huge metal heart sculpture in which she can put flowers and things.
i like the 2nd girl
just some clothes, some nice sunglasses, some better cosmetics, depends on what your mom likes
My mother wants rasberry bushes every year.

So like last 4 years we buy 2x rasberry bushes and plant them with my sisters. Keeps mom happy
I know what keeps your mom and her "bush" happy ;)
osta sille kuule ihan perus kukat. äipät tykkää kukista. ja siihen vaikka suklaata päälle.
Holy shit. Some of those girls have extremely huge sunglasses.

btt: flowers
Don't buy any kitchen thingies :DD She propably doesn't want to think any everyday kitchen stuff at that day x)

I just baked some bread rolls.
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