tzac eating 90% of processor

only today, any time i start it.
impossible to have more than 10 fps
haha i can get 25 fps n00b
I got 125
image: 33719_Vac42
So mad :D: :D: D:D:D! :D:Da::daDDD
stable 125fps muhahaha
have the same:s
ye same. fps wont go over 25. regular ET is fine, but with tzac loaded it's not. just started today.
play the life instead
you are the biggest nerd out there, think about it.
Tell me why.
As far as I know, you still play ET.
Playing video games is a hobby, it's like playing football, fishing or whatever. So you can keep your shit comments for you. If you don't like people playing video games then don't come on a gaming website to post useless comments, stupid inbred motherfucker.

QuoteTell me why

Difficulties of understanding.
Because you're telling people to get life when you don't have one yourself.
You must be God to know so many things about me.
I already saw so many people like you to know things like that
Therapist, please help me, I've got too many friends, I don't like to hang out with them, I wish I could play ET instead like that Provok faggot player.
mad cuz nolife but nobody has to know it ;[

No klub, hope you weren't with friends otherwise you're "nerdier" than nerd, tells me enough about you.
Mad kid. Your father probably beats you up everytime he comes back from his shit job..
you have no friends, probably studying shit things, blaming arabs etc... because your father doesn't have job. And if I see you once in my life that wouldn't be cool for you since I will fucking smash your head on a wall corner.
It will probably be a huge disappointment for you but you're all wrong.
The one thing I'm sure is that you are small. You are also low-minded and probably violent when you mother forgot to buy your favorite peanuts.
Clear sign of a severe brain damage.
says enuf bout ur pc
I had that a while ago with my old pc, it were the GFX drivers, (you using ati by any chance and recently updated?) go back to a version older than your current one or update your version if you're using an old one. should fix it.
ati drivers are fucked. some versions give me the same fps but just a "laggy" feeling
Currently having 125-50fps lag spikes again, I hope the next update of tzac will fix this..
25% for me :/
having fps frop like every second from 125 to 50 :|

rlly annoying when ur playing a game that should run on ur phone
srs bzns

chalpja killer of ET wants to finish the GAME with his unstable programm
m8 fixed his fps drops by doing this:

image: nvcpu03
I not started ET and already tzac is eating processor, this is not normal. Yesterday was fine.

No, I have no ATI drivers. But yes, old computer, thats why probably some get 125-50 fps, but me only 10fps
Are you sure its tzacs doing? Open task management and check which process uses most of your cpu. Might be a virus.
same here worked fine last night but later today total fps chaos
I have no problemos 125 FPS STABLE np
Prevent et and tzac from running on same core (set tzac to 1 and only 1 core, et is on 0 core by default). Should help little bit. :)
got the same problem tho.. tzac uses 90 - 99 % of cpu and not even running the game wtf?
only happend today before it was fine.... 40 fps max atm. bring pb back!
just for change..

playin with 30fps since this afternoon, before it was fine.

I just cant understand why that chaplja released a new tzac version which is not even fixed. Test it before makin it necessary.
we use the same cfg :DDDDDDDD
well then u downloaded mine :)
sheep's -_-
and ET use 50% ? Dafuq.
he doesnt ET into multiple cores with pbprior.exe
i don't use pbprior and ET use only 25% of cpu...
win 7 its normal
live with it or try my tweaked/7lited version
care, faggot
Got 10-20 fps atm FANTASTIC.

Cant wait for the seeding tourny :|
cry me a fucking river potty
suck my dick ipod.
learn to carry obj first
referring to that obj run in baserace where u didnt have obj
Oh shit. Forgot all about that man. That was so funny!
haahaha, man i saw you trickjumping as fast as u can, double jumping and shit and then u landed on the thingi and started to look at me mad confused
then we both started loling
Can someone even tell me what the fuck was the point of this new tzac? Old one was fine, why change it? Fucking FPS drops every second, mouse lags, BSODs, even network lags (when I play with tzac on, I get alot of yellow in my lagometer including 1 second 999's and in general lots of network and ping lag, when watching ETTV or playing with tzac off = stable 125 fps, stable 25-48 ping)
I only have 125 fps ingame
TZAC eats 20% of my CPU.

When I changed r_displayrefresh from 85 to 100 I didn't felt the lag anymore so NP here!
cancer tzac :/
cant stop laughing when ppl provide solutions related to gfx drivers while its problem with cpu, ja pierdole
reinstalled tzac, all problems fixed.
et uses 15% of my cpu, u jelly!?
stable 333 !!
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