Avatar: The Legend of Korra

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Episode 6 blew my mind!!! SO GOOD!!!!!

QuoteThe series focuses on Korra, a teenage girl from the Southern Water Tribe and the current incarnation of the Avatar. She is hotheaded, independent, and ready to take on the world. Korra has already mastered Water, Earth, and Fire, but has yet to master Air and the spiritual side of the Avatar. For this she travels to a place called Republic City, a steampunk metropolis inhabited by benders and non-benders of all nations and founded by Aang and Zuko after the 100-year world war to preserve peace and share prosperity.

Go watch the original avatar series first if you havn't seen it yet!!
sorry, dont watch cartoons anymore :/
Thought all the airbenders but Aang were dead
Stammen allemaal voort uit Aang eh! Massaproducteur die jongen
Wat een sexbeest
his son is still qlive and his grandchildren and they all air benders
Who's the mom?
you mean, aangs daughter in law?
its tenzins wife .. the one who is pregnant right now in the show
The one who fucked Aang, who is it?
Katara brah
LOL .. yeah katara (female) fucked Aang (guy)
I know who Katara and Aang are, don't worry
Is there a site to watch all of the NEW episodes?

I haven't watched it myself yet though, because I heard it was shit
Watching it as we speak!
lol... i thaught u were talking ab AVATAR THE MOVIEEEEEEEEEE
Annyone has any DL link for this?

Btw The first serie was epic!!

Thanks for sharing this :)<3
Can't see download link on the site. and on movie distro you need to pay:P
I'd love to know what the older Aang flashbacks are for!
Got a slight feeling Aman might be Aang, also because of his ability to take powers, but I highly doubt it tho.

EDIT: nvm, couldn't be Aang otherwise Korra wouldn't be the Avatar :x
So stoopid.. Use brain men :S
I knooo ritee
u know rito? hehe lol! :D
over wat gaat deze serie? en moet ik een serie ervoor zien? Geef is info & wa kijk ge nog atm?
Jah, ge zou best de serie dervoor kijken: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar:_The_Last_Airbender

Het kan soms wel wa nonserieus ( dicht bij zo de kindjescartoon ) overkomen, maar al bij is 't wel nice om de verhaallijn te volgen, en het is zkrs geschikt voor "oudere" mensen. En das ier nu een soort vervolg erop, 100 jaar later. Basicly, de eerste serie gaat als volgt. Ge hebt mensen die kunnen elementen sturen, benders. Analoog ebt ge airbenders, waterbenders, firebenders en earthbenders. Om al deze 4 elementen in vrede te laten samenleven bestaat de avatar, iemand die alle 4 de elementen tegelijk kan, en die wordt altijd gereïncarneerd. Nu gaat het verhaal over Aang, de reïncarnatie van de laatste Avatar, die het moet opnemen tegen de gehele groep van firebenders, die de hele wereld aan het terroriseren zijn, en ook alle airbenders hebben uitgeroeid. Buiten ofc Avatar Aang, die vlak voordat de firebenders de airbenders hebben aangevallen is gevlucht en per ongelijk zichzelf ingevroren heeft. 100 jaar later wordt ie gevonden door 1 waterbender en haar broer. Zij vinden uit dat hij de Avatar is, en hij moet nog alle 3 de andere elementen leren voor hij tegen de vuurheer kan opgaan. En das zo wat het verhaal. Dus in feite, 4 seizoenen van andere elementen leren, terwijl hij beetje bij beetje de wereld bevrijdt van de firebenders. Ondertussen heb je ook nog stukjes subplots, maar da ga 'k nu nie beschrijven!

En nu ben ik zo ong wa aant kijken na Game of Thrones/HIMYM/The Office/TVD/One Piece. Ook nog aan 't wachten op al die series die nu ong in de zomer terug zouden beginnen! Btw, de season finale gezien van The Vampire Diaries? Echt ziek vond ik!
Ja kheb die gezien, was wel echt nice. Zo veel shit :P Had ik allemaal niet verwacht!

nja mss check ik deze wel uit..
Vooral 't feit da Klaus nie dood was, en dat Tyler dan Klaus was, fkes mindfuck. En ofc Elena :o
ja en da Damon haar eerst had gezien :D
Jah! Fcked up lovetriangle is fucked up.
Aman is too agile to be anyone from the previous series, but he might be like the secret baby from Azula or some crazy shit like that :P
Or perhaps Bumi, Aang's son who's the only one that didn't get any bending powers!
anywhere to watch the old seasons in good quality?
link is somehow blocked by my internet provider, same for everything from piratebay:( any more?
oh cartoons...no thx
what the fuck is wrong with you.
:O i used to watch avatar, was pissed when i got to the end :( i wanted more! after so many years it's gonna be c00l to see the new avatar 8)

although this shit was recently released and I must say I was EXTREMELY disappointed! :D
yeah didnt like the movie too - but i hoped it will be a nice one untill i saw it - thank good i downloaded it and didnt waste my money for cinema
yeah same! ;3
Translating cartoons into movies always sucks, yet they keep doing it.

Anyone remember the dragonball movie? Just the trailer was enough to know it was crap.
Oh wow, a journal by Wakizashi that doesn't suck. Colour me surprised.
what is this shit
I have watched first 3 episodes so far. The old series was surprisingly addictive, enjoyed it even though I usually don't watch cartoons.
you can wqtch and download all from www.avatarchapters.tv seen all episodes from 1-6 in 720p if you download ;D sickest anime ever
I <3 you !!
Games of Thrones is what I'll be watching
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