Need lift for Adroits Lan

i only have 2 options.

1st one is : arrive 1st june 11.50 at bruxelles charleroi and comeback 4th at 13.10

2nd : arrive 1st june 21.40 at dusseldorf weeze and comeback 4th at 17.15

is there anyone driving with car from and to those locations who could bring me up?

thanks in advance
Always the same, such a pikey
./q exceed
haha, fun times
Fly to Holland and tell Anexis to stop being so cheap with Ryan Air.
This, and offer to pay the rest to get to Schiphol. It will only probably be ~£30 more.
I would rather hitch a ride with a complete stranger than fly with Ryan Air (and yes I have flown with them in the past).
My point exactly.
is ryanair so shit :S?
Ireland's #1 low budget airline, what else do you need to know? :p
They charge for on board luggage. Late etc.

However, this is obviously going to be the result when the business is run as a 'budget airline'. This means that their running cost of sale and overhead costs will be kept to a minimum, while the margin stays low pro-rata to that theory.

So yeah you can get a flight for £30, but it won't be luxurious!
Shit seats, shit service. And they cost just as much as most of the other more luxurous companies.
Huh? :D

I can agree on shit seats and shit service, but it is a lot cheaper than "the other more luxurous companies". For example our flights from finland to bremen and back cost 45€ in total including all the costs, other companies can't quite match that. Never paid over 80 euros for my flights with ryanair and I haven't ever been able to find as cheap (or even close) flights from other companies.

Obviously if you have more money then you will want to fly with another company!
If I want to fly with ryanair to holland, the cost is the same if I would fly with KLM (just better service, food on the plane + drinks, free) More luggage to take with me (20kg, no big problems if you go +2kg). And ofcourse the people speak English there, which not all crew members on ryanair airplanes can, (my experience)
Yeah, obviously the destination has a lot to do with the costs and it's a no-brainer to go with KLM if it's about the same price. Ryanair has often been by far the cheapest option for me (40-80€ vs 150+€), it has always been on time and has gotten me to the destination safely. Other than that I can't say any positive things about it, but being a poor student prices matter quite a lot!
I am a poor student aswell ;) And just saw that Ryanair doesnt fly on NL anymore from Norway :D
You mean
"You need to lift for Adroits Lan"
ask Felix, he's driving from Dortmund afaik, think he could go via Dusseldorf
Weeze isnt really düsseldorf. The airport is just called like that for some strange & confusing reason
I will rape you in Charleroi
If you got someone who goes through Charleroi, please let me know
I think some czech guys are driving from them country and following a route through Germany, u should contact them
go to charleroi if you want to get raped/mugged
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