whats up?

Estonia glitz has finished their OC trip for this season with 3 lost matches. First game we couldn't field our 6 and gave Finland KRP the forfeit win. Then we were supposed to play Poland Devilry, until they wildcarded on the last minute. Then the admins forced the wildcarded match to be played during the next match week on Thursday. We didn't have 3 of our players on that day and asked to change it for Wednesday. Admins did so, the Poland knew it. Then they wouldn't show up AGAIN and admins told us to play on Sunday or we will both get a double noshow (?). Retarded shit. As this was the third match week we were forced to play 2 OC offis on Sunday and couldn't prepare for neither. So we wanted to wild card the third match, but because we were still playing against the polish team, I forgot to wild card and we played it without one of our main players against Europe mkida without any preparing and lost Supply with 1 minute, adlernest a matter of seconds :<. Long story short, Estonia glitz out of OC, hard group and not the best performance by the admins :< GL to Finland KRP on the road to bashing OC Prem!

On a none gaming related stuff, recently started playing football again with a bunch of mates and stuff. Last game we had was last Thursday when we played against Estonia subbis beach football team and beat their sorry asses 8-5. Too easy, scored a hattrick and had 2 assists, hard carry!

Also, got an offer to move to Perth, Australia Australia since January, but I have to make up my mind until the end of August already. Anyone from crossfire living in Perth or have visited the place, how is it?

And last but not least, since I got a vacation from work for 10 days since today, I need a new SP game to complete during the morning hours and shit. I loved Assassins Creed, Prototype, GTA IV & San Andreas. Recommend something. No Skyrim.

some music for the peoples from the peoples

Too long, didn't read. Stabber. ;D
stabber? :<
Ma tulen trenni, tulen, kindlasti tulen ja siis lähed jalkasse. No worries, it's your loss not mine. :) Ja meh, kuradi pikk puhkus on sul. Alles nädal-kaks tagasi puhkasid. S:
no ma ei saa midagi parata ju, jalka pole trenn meil, me niisama mängime velokal ja seal on paindlikum graafik ja jalkat ma oskan juba mängida ja ta on veidi ohutum mu seljale + seal on kõik sõbrad :D

puhkusega on nii, et ülemus on dickhead ja 2 nädalat tagasi olin haiguslehel, peale seda nädal tööl ja siis puhkusel, eelmine nädal olin ka aga ülemuse fuck upi pärast see ei lugenud :D
Ou, ma alati tahtnud küsida, kas Tartus normaalset välis korvpalli väljakut on?

Korvid ja laud just tähtsad selle koha pealt. Eriti tore oleks, kui puidust ka oleks, aga eks saaks asfaltil ka hakkama.
Tamme staadionil on. Seal mingi spetsiaalne selline kate, mis meenutab veits plastmassi ja on väikeseste "õhu" aukudega. Väga raske seletada, aga seal pole vähemalt valus kukkuda ja väljak täitsa norm.

Eelmise aasta tänavakossu finaalis Tallinnas oli vist sama kate seal international courtil.
Ma tean küll, mis see on. Haapsalus ka täitsa olemas selline väljak. Käib seal tavaliselt palju inimesi?
Suvel mängitakse 3 korvi all kindlasti, 1 on veel. Praegu juba kohati normilt inimesi.
come on you had Estonia freeze instead of Estonia mcleod. It's not the worst trade ;)
not saying it was bad at all, but the positions were fucked, people didn't play where they should and stuff, everything was chaotic. We didn't even pracc 1 map before the officials. Not saying it's any of your fault though. But if we could have played Devilry on the day when they wild carded, we would have beaten them without a problem and would have given you one hell of a better fight than we did yesterday :)
Ye ok that sucks, it is always annyoing when it fails because of organization :(
Had the same against devilry... OC groups published on tuesday and our match was forced to thursday.
Nobody knew it and we lost by forfeit. But still gg yesterday
x3nja mate u leavin' us to surferdood island ? :[

too bad for glitz, this needed some more serious players imo.
gl for the rest buddy
I live in Perth :)
why did you move to australia?
? he lives in australia and no longer in austria!
ET scene very boring in Europe. Australia much nicer
loads of spiders in australia, dont move.
spiders suck
Fallout series x3nja bro ...
Fallout 1 till Fallout New Vegas

u just gotta love them :D
gonna give em a try!
i cant wait for the summer to come to start playing the serie.
i dont want to start it now since i got school and may get addicted to finishing it :D
subbi noob, tomorrow baskebtall bc kalev cramo vs tartu ülikool.. come or die?

Estoniamant EstoniaJyrkZ Estoniasac will be there
you are so unbelievable bad! its a wonder that u even played oc prem.
anyways im glad that u didnt respond to me when i wanted 2 join ur team since everybody is retarded and underskilled shit!
Maybe he didn't answer you because you were bad, mh I am wondering.

image: sherlock2
:D why is it a wonder that we played Premier? We underperformed heavily in the officials, like usually. But playing teams that play EC and OC Prem in praccs and win most of them. Just had bad luck in officials, specially against Devilry.

And I didn't respond because you couldn't show up once, then the 2nd time you had PM'd me but I didn't notice and we were already playing with rifleman. And then you started flaming us and shit, because every time you played against us you lost. But hey man, do and think whatever you want, you can't and won't find a decent team anyway. So you can never adequatly judge other teams that compete in Premier or somewhere else by some random 3on3's or whatever.
didnt play a single 6on6 against u :>
Towering groupe A
image: tumblr_m2f9buzL6s1qeytn4o1_250
whats up? my penis is up
up, up and awaayy
Perth I have family in, but Australia is meant to be a huge culture shock with regards to newcomers. I plan to go after I graduate to see if it's a possible place to live and work, but they are hard with everything and it's hard to get in.

ask Gifty?
Well I went to London, only ended up spending a few weeks there since it really and really didn't fit me at all (including the fact that I got robbed and trolled and shit). So wondered if Perth might somewhat be the same as London.
Definitely not the same, but perhaps not an enjoyable experience either.

Cities are weird to visit because you either do it two ways:

#1 - you visit a city and go and be a new-comer completely. By this, I mean that you end up going to all the expensive shitty areas that you are meant to go to seeing what the city has to offer. Most of these are indeed cool, but this is not always the best way to travel and visit.

#2 - you go and find a local and see it through an inhabitants eyes. This I have done in certain cities, others I have not. Seeing it through a local's eyes means that you cut out all the crap because they're mainly used to it. They do not see the touristy areas as special, and instead will show you little hidden gems that they like to go to. This is extremely useful when in a busy area.

How did you get robbed/trolled and shit (message if you're shy) in London? I have spent more time in Amsterdam than I have in London, and find London far too busy for my own liking especially with complications such as the tube network. I live in Manchester (now the 2nd biggest city in the UK), and it is much better for me. But a different city completely (for instance we dont have nearly as much history).

Overall, I would say that you should go and see if you like it first using a local as a guide. For instance, ask midas to take you round and take advantage of websites such as couch surfing. :)

Any other things you want my opinion on, ask! I love talking about shit like this. Finland Sandi has travelled a fair bit too. :)
Got robbed by 2 black men after cashing out a very large sum of money from an ATM while heading home from East London. Was going to rent an apartment the next day and thought I'll take some cash so I don't have to find an ATM the next day. Turned out it wasn't such a great idea, lost slightly over 900£. And I moved there to get a job with an apartment anyway, but since my flight got delayed for a day, my job (including the place with it) already got given away since they needed someone to start Monday, I arrived Monday mid day. And nobody let me know. So flew there, crashed at a mate, found an apartment, was celebrating with my mates, got robbed, didn't like the overall look and attitude of London so I got back to EE :)
Europe iNm never pracs and still beat glitz last OC! HUEHUEHUEHEU


But then iNmotion is baws :D
Quotewe played it without one of our main players against mkida

freeze was mercing right? it's not like that he > your whole team , but definitely it was a reason of your loss.
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