Diablo 3

image: Diablo3-Front1

Bought it for 39€ at MediaMarkt , got 2 testkeys if anyone dont know yet if he wanna buy it you can play it , maybe u missed the open BETA so you can try to kill the skelleton king now ;)

cya Later :)
cya in few years
WTF. Whyd do I have to wait till 00:00 here to buy it
I called MediaMarkt here in Berlin , the Special event starts at 00:00 but u can buy it allready normally in some MMs you can buy the CE allready , but its soldout here so i dont care ^^
was fürn event? nur heute und nur bei media-markt oder wie?
Jap ab 22 Uhr ist bei MM (z.b wie Berlin Alexanderplatz) nen event mit Programm und nen typen von blizzard etc.^^
39 euros? wtf :D i got mine for 45 @ www.g2play.net but I haven't received my key yet, hopefully within a few hrs ;_)
Isnt there a contract between the retailstore and Blizzard that D3 copy can not be sold before 00:00 midnight? And the fee is 15 000.- Euros???

Altho I got an copy in my hands aswell already but thats because my friend works in PC store. :O)
I got my copy from amazon already.
lol they just dispatched my CE 1h ago wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool, could i get a test key since im not convinced by the game yet?
friend of mine bought my copy in a shop close to his work, he send me the CD-Key, so i am also rdy to go @ 0:01 :D
WTF How can my shit country sell it for 73 euros when u guys buy it for half of that :/ srsly i hate Iceland.
costs of transport
give me one key pls
Going out to buy it at midnight from 24 hour shop unless I can find a cheaper digital version than Blizzard's 45e before then, inb4 stabbed.
nice life you have
he mirin hard
I hope you enjoy not only wasting your time going to buy a game at midnight, but wasting your money on it to. Also all the time you waste on crossfire trying to troll and be funny, time well spent.
Poor Irish potato farmer mad cause can't afford to buy nice things?
hahaha, great insult man..
will not play
99p Tomorrow Morning.


Oh and I tell what would also be good, if the downloader didn't crash every 5 mins.
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