Unsolvable tzac problem?

Most of the TZAC2.0 problems seemed to have a solution or got fixed my chaplja.

My mate m4rk seems to have a problem which cant be fixed (yet?).
His pings keeps jumping up to 100/150 and drops back to 48 from time to time.

CPU: Intel Core Duo 2 E8400
OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)

He tried:
  • Reinstalling ET
  • Uninstalling PB
  • Disabling Windows Wireless checks
  • setting PB_sleep 500 and pb_system 0

what was the command to cmd.exe to disable the tzac driver?
too many players said this :O
i had the same problem - i did graphic card driver update.. it solved the problem!
gpu drivers fixed your pinglag?
yea i was surprised but it works now!
Which GPU do u have?
can't play with tzac as well, it says 'Can't load into game module' or something like that. anyone?
i have the same problem -.-
Tell him to fix his connection maybe
hm.. works for me
You can delete the pb folder, and disable the PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe from running at all in services.msc

right click the processes and go to properties, stop them and set start mode to Disabled.

Game will work fine without that crap PB.
com_maxfps 43
open cmd.exe as an admin and type sc delete tizeqdrv

Edit: Also saw something like this:
1. cmd.exe as and admin -> sc delete tizeqdrv
2. Delete/uninstall the old tzac folder
3. Reboot pc
4. Install the new TZAC
5. Run it as an admin
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