diablo3 bad game

havent played it but my friend told its a bad game, so all of you playing this bad game, what do u think? is it that bad?

Estoniamant will be not happy about this journal
I also heard it sucks, so Im not buying it
waiting over 4 years for a game to find out that it sucks, awww
waiting over 4 years for a game to find out that it sucks, awww
them tits wanted to breathe!
i was fucking excited about the game the past 4 years...now when i played the beta, i decided not to buy it oO
people like you are the reason we get so few betas these days.
So if I play the beta and I don't like it at all I should still buy the game because I played the beta?
people like u are the reason why i drink so much alcohol
and people like you is why we have shit games

*ba dum tschhhhh*
yeah, he has been waiting for 4 years so he would have paid money for the product, had he not been put off by the beta. what you are saying makes sense from a business stand-point, i dont have a reason to get mad.
Hmm it doesnt even make sense from a businesses point of view.. people who dont like the beta wont buy the product, thus the company gets less customers and therefore less income..

Without any Betas more sells should be guaranteed..
isnt that what im saying?
if a (pretty decent) beta can put of a fan whos been waiting for 4 years why would you even release one?
hype ur product, make people buy it "blindly" and dont care if they end up not liking it.
hm, thought u said that not buying a product after not liking the beta makes sense business wise. maybe i misunderstood it :) but yes, i agree with you :)
In the same genre this game is coming out soon aswell, but in a different artstyle; www.torchlight2game.com
I think it will be more fun to play with friends.
Dno why the hate, 10 hours played and one of the most enjoyable games in a while!
comments in this journal are full of fail
Luckily you're spraying constructive criticism everywhere like usual.
cause this demands for constructive criticism.
why does the stuff comming out of your face never make any sense?
man i dont know what u guys talkin about, ive just watched some streams and i cant wait to get my hands on the game.
same man can't wait, been waiting years for the game played beta don't know what you guys are on about but ill have it next week !!!!
lol, the game is awesome

Can't fucking login.
Delivery man hasn't visited my house yet :(
Hey man Kevin, fuck you man.

Fuck you, Kevin.
sorry man, I have to wait before I get it. Bachelor thesis first :s
Good luck with that!

What are you writing on?
best saai, landbouw in Vlaanderen in 19de E :p
was laat me inschrijven dus kon nie meer kiezen aan welke prof zijn project ik wou deelnemen
Played the beta, decided not to buy (wasn't going to buy it either way)
Why not just play d2 lol
I don't like D2 and I think it's way better than D3. That's how bad D3 is.
yeah game sucks pretty hard, better play League of Legends!
The beta was very promising. As soon as I finished my thesis, I'm getting it. It might not be the same as d2 when it comes to skill builds, but it's even better because it allows for alot more combinations and it's way more dynamic!
it's good enough, but nothing more than expected

is there any ID thread with crossfire people with d3?
i disaprove this journal
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