Sir Alex going German?

QuoteSir Alex Ferguson wants to sign no fewer than three Borussia Dortmund players after watching their 5-2 German Cup final win over Bayern Munich on Saturday night.
The Manchester United manager is favourite to land attacking midfielder Shinji Kagawa but is also lining up moves for Poland striker Robert Lewandowski, who scored a hat-trick, and Germany defender Mats Hummels.


Could this be the end of Dortmund's championships hopes for the next few seasons? And the start of yet another buying spree in the English Premier League? As for the latter, also see this. About time the FIFA and UEFA come up with their new rules concerning limited interference when it comes down to transfers? Yes/no? Thoughts? :-)
kagawa and lewandwoski can be easily replaced...but i cant say the same for hummels,
utd have to make some changes I think. They cant cound on scholes or giggs as much as they have been this season.
three players that would fit perfectly at manU
BVB already said that kagawa will be the only player that is going to leave, lewandowski and any other players are not up for sale.
Teams say this all the time doesn't mean much :) When United want a player they get him unfortunately.
That is true of course, but I don't think that dortmund will give him (or any other player) away that easily. But I just had a look and lewandowski didnt sign his new contract yet, so in the end everything is possible :)
Also given Dortmunds success the players might decide they've achieved all they can and now is a good time to move on.
They might decide to move on for more money, cause since they didn't deliver anything in CL yet there is still more for them to achieve as a team.
And they got contracts and unless ManU is gonna offer a ridiculous amount of money, I dont think Dortmund is gonna let them go, especially not the 2 of them. would mean the beginning of the end of the team they have right now.
>manchester united
>high wages

image: Meme-no

glazers need the money to buy fuck knows what
Needs to spend it all on protection from the fans
fortunately* and recently few clubs have loads of money specially a man from russia and the oil money of the middle east. who buy even if they dont need players :P
robben, nasri, hazard

image: 133542682180

*When United want a player, City get him unfortunately

poor Chelsea, no transfer money, can't get players and shit
fucking brits and their cancer buyitall football

Please die in a planecrash
It's not like they are forced to sell the players..
you should send the ones who accept the money into the fireblazing plane too.
kill yourself
mancini talkin about building?

no toure, dont even think about top 4.
oh so city without toure - don't even think about top 4? funny:D
did you watch the city game when they played without silva & toure?
toure is a key player, i know that. but they have so much fucking money there's no way they're gonna finish below top 4:D
yeah definitely, shape will change a lot but still easily top 4
well ye may be top 4 only because teams like liverpool and chelsea who are inconsistent.
How come? He's not a fucking talisman like RVP is for Arsenal. He's a great player but he's no god, they have a ridiculous amount of money which they can use to replace Toure with pretty much everybody.
he actually is, controls the whole game for City in the midfield wins tackles, out muscles players even joins the attacks. His work rate is pretty amazing. Football for me is the mid field battle than anything else.

Will be hard to replace him.
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