
was wondering if any other cf users using runkeeper? share share share!

my profile:

been running since 9 weeks, and so far i lost 4,5kg's :) (with also a change in my nutrition!)

thx to urtier giving me this site

You start and finish at Poland kot?
Using Endomondo:

Duration: 1h:23m:12s
Distance: 11.52 km (lost GPS signal though at some points, it was close to 13 km in total)
Calories: 1199
Avg.Pace: 7:13 Min./km (without the lost 1,5 km, so 6.25 Min./km or so otherwise)

Not running that often lately though :-(
well done :D

i had a bit trouble with my left knee last 2 weeks, didn't run for so long and now i started running again since monday, but more slow paced + also stretch more now :) hope the pain won't come back
I only run on a threadmill sometimes:p
i run away from cops
do u live near train station?
my student appartment is like 1km away from the actual train station itself, and the train tracks closest to that appartment are like 30-40m, so yeah i hear train sounds a bit during the night, but its okay
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