Need coder ET:Zombies

Hi, we need a coder for ET:Zombies. Project 80% complete, basically rewrite of most things in ET. Few things need finishing.

Either helper or MOD is stuck @ this stage for now.

1-2 month work and it's finished.

C&P from SD forum.


Nitrox our great coder will be without a PC for some time as he's going to France. Unfortunately he was the brains behind this mod (he can code anything :D) and my skills aren't so great (hey I've only coded in C for 4 months).

I am after a skilled coder (who knows the ETSDK & functions) who's willing to spend time working on ET:Zombies.

If you would like to know about ET:Zombies please visit This is currently out of date by a few months now, there's been MANY changes.

We currently require a coder who can do these tasks.

-Add new skill levels (like level 1-2-3-4 in vanilla ET).
-A coder who can finish some unfinished code (flashlight etc..)
-Be active @
-Be ready for testing as we have a HUGE user database inwhich are waiting for this mod.
-Ability to use our SVN & knows how to commit & all that stuff.

Sadly if I can't receive a coder I will have to do as much as I can and release the source. This would be a shame as the mod (more like a conversion) is around 80% complete.

What's in ET:Zombies currently?

100% new sounds (every single sound has changed)
Custom maps (3 currently in development), 1 of these has been finished. Sewers & Hospital in development.
Custom graphics, models & animations.
New weapons, baseball bats, the sexiest ammo pack in ET, swipe, grab & sticky grenades :)
Improved everything to be honest, you've never seen ET this smooth (animations & frames displayed).
Complete new scoreboard, HUD, POINTS SYSTEM etc..
New health drawing system & class drawing
Brand new classes (Stronghold, Doctor, Technician, Resupplier & Sniper for HUMANS. For ZOMBIES: MEAT HEAD, SNEAKER ETC...)
New CoD/Gears of War sprint system.
Realistic movement on all fronts, prone, crouch & run.
Some things are no longer FPS dependant (stopping cheating).
Custom movement code for the zombies.
Customisable settings via server vars.
So much to add, there's around 320 changes now.
Compiles for Windows, Linux & Mac.

image: shot0008
image: lean
image: mg

What can I say? There's a community for this game already, and we release the test compiles when we can. We get testers all the time & have received feedback, and currently there's NO BUGS that are known.

We even have fixed bugs that exist inside all other mods (ETPro also).

I want to get this finished, and all credit will be given to all who help.

Our team:

Want to join?

PM me here or contact me @ @ quakenet

too bad i dont know anything about coding :( gl in your research mate

since when is there a polish homie? :D
Quote"YCN`Marcus": while(TRUE) print "KURWA";
too bad im only a common PC user.
having played every single zombie game ever (or something like that) i am avi for in depths testing and balancing.
my clan also hosts NQ servers with a very stable and large user base. when it comes to release id be glad to have our community try it out for a day or two and raise awareness towards your mod.
i love the fact that people are still working on/with the game and i really hope you find the staff you need to make the mod what we all wish it will become.
looks good
DerSaidin just finished his Weaver project I think so he might be available;
New CoD/Gears of War sprint system. <- wtf?
You'll see it when you play it. I'm not one for the new shit but it'll bring something new. We're aiming for atmosphere & this adds a new feeling to ET. Nothing scarier than running away from a horde of zombies moaning for dem brains!

It's not like it sounds either, you can still shoot, but it's a bit harder to shoot if running forward. You have realistic movement when running forwards, as you would. The gun comes inwards & the screen zooms out, but you can still shoot (which is more realistic than the newer games:P).
Looking forward to this
Clanbase adapt it for EC!
First screenshot looks pretty naijz! :P
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