Left or right handed

According to this :


7. Left handed people are better at playing video games. Some of the traits that contribute to lefties being better thinkers and multitaskers also contribute to making them better video game players. Since lefties are better at handling large amounts of stimuli, this naturally makes them better at video games, which have large amounts of stimuli in the first place.

So all lefties here?
I'm just lefthanded on youjizz.com
made me smile :D
Oh, that's why I am so good.
United KingdomSmurftang was the best!
fuck yeah .. crosshanded
I remember giving him advice about computers, mice/pads/gliders n' stuff ><
this guy is the pure sex
born left handed, forced to be right handed. guess thats why im the ultimate gamer.
How come you've been "forced"?
back in the days left was the side of the devil
So why did they force him?!
Catholic school etc said that you shouldn't write with your left hand as it is against God.
My point was; FINS LOVE SATAN
Happened here too
haha same :D
We're a superior race. Lets take over the world.
born left handed, forced to be right handed. guess thats why im the ultimate gamer
Ambidexterity is fun too
bullshit, i'm right handed
right handed, play with right handed mx518 in left hand.
born left handed, forced to be right handed. still can play tennis/throw darts etc. with both hands :P
born left handed, forced to be right handed. guess thats why im the ultimate gamer
mystic is left handed fa sho
left handed
right handed, left footed .. I hold a cricket bat and golf club like a left hander though, weird
same here, right handed and left footed
same, eventhough I was right footed before I broke my leg on age 8 lol
I thought I am so good at video games coz I play em 24/7 but now I know its bcoz I was born left handed
right handed, left footed, jumping and kicking football with lefty
right hand is already occupied with some stuff, so left handed
Right/left handed and right/left footed.

Gaming with my right hand though, writing with either one whenever one gets a bit tired :p

Kicking football with both feet :)
i dont understand this left handded bullshit :)
Left handed but playing and throwing things with right :D
same here, fucking annoying when you need to play something like baseball ( need to catch with right and throw with right.. fuck that shit )
yep,same when im eating :D
right handed, still best dota player around
right handed with two left hands

fuck :<
ambidextrous master race reporting in
Born left handed, using mouse with my right hand, i also use right hand for throwing things. Only thing what i do with left is write and hit immigrants (btw did you know that being a lefty in some bar fight is a huge advantage?).
do you know the advantage of being ambidextrous and being able to hit equally hard with each hand
Im able to hit equally hard with both hands, didnt knew theres a word for it because im kinda dumb
how about being able to hit equally hard with either foot, can you do that
no, my right leg is much stronger
you're weak mens
Only left handed with writing
Isn't the whole right/left hand thing sort of an illusion? I mean, writing is just one thing that requires dexterity, there's also typing (with a keyboard), playing the guitar or any other instruments.. Anything really.

I think, whether you're left- or righthanded with something (no one is universally solely righthanded or lefthanded) depends on which hand you used to first learn the task. Initially you're equally bad at something with both of your hands, but once the stuff enters your muscle memory, it'll get harder and harder to switch to using the other hand at that point.

Eg. with writing it's especially difficult, since initially your writing will be as bad as it was when you first picked up a pen in preschool or something. With things like fapping it's easy, since there's less coordination involved (trust me, I've tried).

TL;DR: Everyone is ambidextrous in reality, and the hand you use for typing doesn't really mean anything
Left handed ppl live approx. 9 years less.

left handed and still use my right hand for aiming.
I have two thubs on one hand, so three in total. Bow for your master!
left handed :)
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