ET is dead =/

I traveled around the quakenet today.
I noticed that many meaning and oldschool channels are just dead.
Here's my personal list:

#invitium [`]
#q2nf [`] [`]
#Rectangulars [`] [`]
#diversus [`]
#wow-et [`]
#savak [`]

Post channels which you miss so much ='(((
they will never come back ='(((

[`] #SPERMA.ET [`]

RIP [*]
wpisywac miasta

#crossfire is all you need. ;D
random channels :SSSS
#devastation fully active, nothing more needed
ye so gtfo still alive, et still alivedd
I think it's good, it's pointless to idle in channels of dead clans. most of invitium are still playing, couple divursus guys are probably still around in other channels like kot etc. q2nf = guys? some of them are still around like i see robol syriusz jadol and dnl online sometimes.

u were the owner of rectangulars so if you want idlers just get them lol and savak was admans clan? that guy disappeared from et but i can't blame him since i think every time he tried to rebuild savak he got stabbed by at least one guy (HEJ WIADRO)
dont be so serious dude
hmm? it just seems pretty stupid to cry over old channels. new ones are made and in 1-2 years people will be crying that those died too.
maybe it's not about the channels but about the people in it, the memories, good times ...
let me just say this, and i hope you read it very very carefully

and ? isnt this computer game a part of our life ?
personally..............i wouldn't consider it a "part" of my life. its just something fun to do when im bored with friends, but if you really had a life you wouldnt be asking such questions
every minute u spend doing something is a part of your life - no matter you online or outside or just watching TV - me is father of 2 children, i have a wife, a job and i go out with my friends when ever it is possible and i want to - and its not a shame to play a game online when u like it

And when u like doing something for example plying this game it is more part of your life than doing things u have to do for example going to work etc
but not gibbed
dont know any of your channels
Kurwa, muzyczka z renegata jak chuj, pozdro spoczi ziom : D [`], chociaz tam nawet kurwa Qrwy nigdy nie bylo. , only @Q and me
also noticed you misspelled death
yeah wtf man
I haven't made it yet but somehow I miss #fumble.thebest
Poland #sb-clan
Poland #4FuN
Poland #N4A
Poland aka kentaktysz klan
well maybe they are still idling in their private channels but not the old (dead) clan irc?

good beefs.
q2nf aka swat aka high5 guys are still online sometimes, some weeks ago i pmmed most of them to ask if they were interested in going @ polish lan, most of they said yes so maybe we will figure something out ;P time will tell cause all of us (except syriusz nerd) are inactive for more than 1 year now
It's more IRC dying than ET rly
fk it baylife
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